RealSense Downgrade Patch on Ubuntu 20.04 + ROS Noetic - patch failed

Awesome! Here’s how you can test out the new branch:

  1. Remove the patch by running the script.
  2. Check out the feature/separated_launch_files branch of Stretch ROS using:
    $ roscd stretch_core
    $ # Save changes if any (e.g. using `git stash`)
    $ git checkout feature/separated_launch_files
    $ cd ~/catkin_ws
    $ catkin_make
  3. This experimental branch makes two new launch files available within Stretch Core. The first, stretch_realsense.launch, brings up the ROS Realsense drivers using a new set of parameters that should address the errors mentioned in the Realsense Downgrade post. In your own launch files, you can include this launch file to make the Realsense topics available. The second launch file, stretch_all_drivers.launch, is a convienence launch file for bringing up the realsense, planar lidar, and robot drivers all at once. You might find it more useful to include this launch file instead.

Let me know how using this new launch files goes! I’d be especially interested to hear about any Realsense errors you encounter while using this new branch. Thanks for trying them out!