Software drop - August 2, 2024

Hey all,

Here’s a quick round-up of some of the new software that’s been released for Stretch this past week.

Cancellable goals

Stretch’s ROS2 driver now supports cancelling motion goals that you’ve sent to the follow joint trajectory action. For example, the following code sends a position goal moving the lift joint to 0.5m and then cancels it immediately.

from common.client_nodes.stretch_driver import Client

node = Client("test_cancel")
node.move_to_configuration({"joint_lift": 0.5}, blocking=False)

Update your ROS workspace to give it a try.

Fixes for Dex Teleop

@hello-lamsey has fixed the math domain error exception that frequently appeared with Stretch Dex Teleop. Additionally, he has added two quality-of-life type improvements: 1) The cv2 windows during collection and processing of camera calibration now fit the size of your monitor, and 2) the gitignore is updated to ignore camera calibration data you’ve collected.

Check out the latest Stretch Dex Teleop.

High current warnings

You may have seen [robot monitor] High current of <x> warnings with Stretch 3 with normal usage. We’ve profiled the nominal current usage and updated the threshold for the warning. This has been fixed with the latest release of Stretch Body, so consider updating to get better logging from the robot.

Update your Python libraries to get the latest version.

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