Error updating the pose or robot in FUNMAP

I am using the FUNMAP to take objects avoiding object with the stretch 2 and ROS 1, but there is a error in the FUNMAP, since the robot in the FUNMAP (in rviz) initialize in the same point of the map, is necessary to send a estimation of the inicial pose and the robot start to move from this point, with error of the inicial pose that i out in rviz, which means a big error to take objects. For example if I put a pose with the robot looking to the Y axis, but in the reality the robot looks the X axis and the object is in from of the robot in the reality, the robot will move in the Y axis in the FUNMAP (rviz) and I the X in the reality

Hi @Humberto_Andres_Hida, I’d like to confirm I understand your question correctly. Are you asking about finding Stretch’s initial location in a map?

If so, you’re likely looking for FUNMAP to perform a “global localization”. After roslaunching FUNMAP, the robot doesn’t know where it’s located in the map. Performing a global localization involves scanning the environment and looking for a match within the map to identify where the robot is located.

# launch FUNMAP in another terminal first, then:
rosservice call /funmap/trigger_global_localization

Thanks, that helps a lot