Introducing Stretch 3!

Hello from Hello Robot!

When we first unveiled Stretch in 2020, we could hardly have predicted all the brilliant ways our community would find to use our robot; from Embodied AI projects like DOBB-E and the Open-Vocabulary Mobile Manipulation challenge to groundbreaking assistive robotics work like HAT and Robots for Humanity, and so many more creative projects pushing the boundaries of mobile manipulation in research and education. Through supporting all these efforts, we’ve learned a lot about our robot and how we can make your experience with Stretch even better.

Today we’re excited to announce Stretch 3 - our best robot yet. Some highlights:

  • Improved Dexterity featuring the redesigned Dex Wrist 3 - increased payload, 6-inch gripper aperture, and a quick-change tool
  • Improved Sensing with a gripper-mounted Intel d405 depth camera, fingertip tracking, and an additional wide-angle RGB head camera
  • Improved Electronics with 2-3x more computational power, FCC Class A compliance, and an electronic lift brake
  • ROS 2 Humble fully supported in Ubuntu 22.04, with new tutorials including Nav2 and MoveIt 2
  • Web Teleop lets you manipulate from anywhere with a configurable browser interface with autonomous functions
  • Embodied AI Support includes new Dexterous Teleop for data collection, external GPU support, and new Python demos

Alongside this launch, Hello Robot will be releasing several significant software upgrades that you can utilize with your Stretch.

  • Ubuntu 22.04 Upgrade, with full support for ROS 2 Humble
    • New ROS 2 demos including Nav2 & MoveIt 2
    • All-new Stretch Web Interface - manipulate from anywhere!
      • Remote teleoperation on a local network or over the internet
      • Customizable layout and autonomous functions
      • Compatible with original Stretch Teleoperation Camera Kit
  • Dexterous Teleoperation demo for 6-DOF end effector position control
    • Open-source hardware
    • Great for data collection
  • Python updates for Stretch Body and other Stretch packages
  • Reference code to support using Stretch with external GPUs
  • Improved documentation and tutorials

These upgrades are expected to be fully released March 4 - keep an eye on this forum for updates, or let us know if you’re interested in beta testing these features now!