Hello I am currently following this instruction to check my re3 robot’s head calibration. However, when running this command
ros2 run stretch_calibration check_head_calibration
I did not see any calibration errors output by the process. This was unlike checking head calibration on re1 and re2. Do you have any ideas what happened? Attached is what I see on the screen. I suspect this has something to do with rviz2.
Hi @Peiqi_Liu, you can safely ignore the step that asks you to run ros2 run stretch_calibration check_head_calibration. That documentation is a bit out-of-date, and I plan to update it shortly to remove the step.
When you get to step 4 in “Calibrate Stretch”, you will run ros2 launch stretch_calibration process_head_calibration_data.launch.py, and you’ll see an optimization printing out to the terminal. When it exits, you’ll see a final error term (typ. <0.03).