ROS - stretch_navigation error

Terminal output below:

hello-robot@stretch-re1-1033:~$ roslaunch stretch_navigation mapping.launch
… logging to /home/hello-robot/.ros/log/e480837a-82b4-11eb-a9a6-94e6f7b75520/roslaunch-stretch-re1-1033-2009.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://stretch-re1-1033:44105/



  • /joint_state_publisher/rate: 15.0
  • /joint_state_publisher/source_list: [’/stretch/joint_…
  • /lidar_node/angle_compensate: True
  • /lidar_node/frame_id: laser
  • /lidar_node/inverted: False
  • /lidar_node/scan_mode: Boost
  • /lidar_node/serial_baudrate: 115200
  • /lidar_node/serial_port: /dev/hello-lrf
  • /robot_description: <?xml version="1…
  • /robot_state_publisher/publish_frequency: 15.0
  • /rosdistro: melodic
  • /rosversion: 1.14.10
  • /stretch_driver/broadcast_odom_tf: True
  • /stretch_driver/controller_calibration_file: /home/hello-robot…
  • /stretch_driver/mode: navigation
  • /stretch_driver/rate: 25.0
  • /stretch_driver/timeout: 0.5
  • /teleop_twist_keyboard/speed: 0.04
  • /teleop_twist_keyboard/turn: 0.1

gmapping_record_map (gmapping/slam_gmapping)
joint_state_publisher (joint_state_publisher/joint_state_publisher)
lidar_node (rplidar_ros/rplidarNode)
robot_state_publisher (robot_state_publisher/robot_state_publisher)
rviz (rviz/rviz)
stretch_driver (stretch_core/stretch_driver)
teleop_twist_keyboard (teleop_twist_keyboard/

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [2020]

setting /run_id to e480837a-82b4-11eb-a9a6-94e6f7b75520
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [2031]
started core service [/rosout]
process[joint_state_publisher-2]: started with pid [2034]
process[robot_state_publisher-3]: started with pid [2035]
process[stretch_driver-4]: started with pid [2036]
process[lidar_node-5]: started with pid [2037]
process[teleop_twist_keyboard-6]: started with pid [2038]
[ INFO] [1615499901.129640823]: RPLIDAR running on ROS package rplidar_ros. SDK Version:1.7.0
process[rviz-7]: started with pid [2048]
process[gmapping_record_map-8]: started with pid [2049]
[ WARN] [1615499901.171188853]: The root link base_link has an inertia specified in the URDF, but KDL does not support a root link with an inertia. As a workaround, you can add an extra dummy link to your URDF.
[INFO] [1615499902.283923]: For use with S T R E T C H ™ RESEARCH EDITION from Hello Robot Inc.
[INFO] [1615499902.285133]: /stretch_driver started
[INFO] [1615499902.286985]: mode = navigation
[INFO] [1615499902.288740]: broadcast_odom_tf = True
[INFO] [1615499902.292248]: Loading controller calibration parameters for the head from YAML file named /home/hello-robot/catkin_ws/src/stretch_ros/stretch_core/config/controller_calibration_head.yaml
[INFO] [1615499902.294569]: controller parameters loaded = {‘tilt_looking_up_offset’: -0.007991362557756053, ‘arm_retracted_offset’: 0.003431998628653808, ‘tilt_angle_backlash_transition’: -0.4, ‘tilt_angle_offset’: -0.11863479457900214, ‘pan_angle_offset’: 0.03578660451542777, ‘pan_looked_left_offset’: -0.0017655938546597139}
[INFO] [1615499902.295457]: self.head_tilt_calibrated_offset_rad in degrees = -6.79727303278
[INFO] [1615499902.296295]: self.head_pan_calibrated_offset_rad in degrees = 2.05042140184
[INFO] [1615499902.297425]: self.head_pan_calibrated_looked_left_offset_rad in degrees = -0.101161076206
[INFO] [1615499902.298589]: self.head_tilt_backlash_transition_angle_rad in degrees = -22.9183118052
[INFO] [1615499902.299479]: self.head_tilt_calibrated_looking_up_offset_rad in degrees = -0.457871347118
[INFO] [1615499902.300295]: self.wrist_extension_calibrated_retracted_offset_m in meters = 0.00343199862865
[INFO] [1615499902.305675]: /stretch_driver rate = 25.0 Hz
[INFO] [1615499902.306746]: /stretch_driver timeout = 0.5 s
[INFO] [1615499902.308142]: /stretch_driver use_fake_mechaduinos = False
[INFO] [1615499902.308987]: /stretch_driver base_frame_id = base_link
[INFO] [1615499902.309884]: /stretch_driver odom_frame_id = odom

Reading from the keyboard and Publishing to Twist!

Moving around:
u i o
j k l
m , .

For Holonomic mode (strafing), hold down the shift key:

M < >

t : up (+z)
b : down (-z)

anything else : stop

q/z : increase/decrease max speeds by 10%
w/x : increase/decrease only linear speed by 10%
e/c : increase/decrease only angular speed by 10%

CTRL-C to quit

currently: speed 0.04 turn 0.1
[ERROR] [1615499902.637397]: /stretch_driver action server must be in navigation mode to receive a twist on cmd_vel. Current mode = None.
2021-03-11 13:58:23,286 - stretch-re1-1033 - robot - INFO - Starting up Robot
RPLIDAR S/N: 808B9A87C5E392D2A5E492F8105E316C
[ INFO] [1615499903.636784286]: Firmware Ver: 1.25
[ INFO] [1615499903.636804406]: Hardware Rev: 5
[ INFO] [1615499903.638183417]: RPLidar health status : 0
2021-03-11 13:58:23,722 - stretch-re1-1033 - robot.base - INFO - Fast motion turned off
[ INFO] [1615499904.238055500]: current scan mode: Boost, max_distance: 12.0 m, Point number: 8.0K , angle_compensate: 2
[ WARN] [1615499916.220220273]: MessageFilter [target=odom ]: Dropped 100.00% of messages so far. Please turn the [ros.gmapping.message_filter] rosconsole logger to DEBUG for more information.

Hello @Flynn, could you perform a git pull and try again. The steps are:

roscd stretch_core
git pull
roslaunch stretch_navigation mapping.launch