Occasionally the robot has made strange noises, but usually restarting the robot fixed them. This time, however, the noise is consistent. In particular, it seems to be coming from the motors that rotate the camera on the head? It’s like a whirring with some amount of grinding/grating sound. Is this indicative of a larger problem? Is there something we can do to clean it or check if something is misaligned?
So far we’ve tried: restarting the robot several times, homing it, commanding the head to rotate, and running stretch_robot_system_check.py, which gives the following:
---- Checking Devices ----
[Pass] : hello-wacc
[Pass] : hello-motor-left-wheel
[Pass] : hello-pimu
[Pass] : hello-lrf
[Pass] : hello-dynamixel-head
[Pass] : hello-dynamixel-wrist
[Pass] : hello-motor-arm
[Pass] : hello-motor-right-wheel
[Pass] : hello-motor-lift
[Pass] : hello-respeaker
---- Checking Pimu ----
[Pass] Voltage = 13.686727285385132
[Pass] Current = 2.7476073845344433
[Pass] Temperature = 33.769572392488136
[Fail] Cliff-0 = 24.50970458984375 out of range -50 to 20
[Fail] Cliff-1 = 22.13348388671875 out of range -50 to 20
[Fail] Cliff-2 = 28.3507080078125 out of range -50 to 20
[Fail] Cliff-3 = 41.443115234375 out of range -50 to 20
[Pass] IMU AZ = -9.788532257080078
[Pass] IMU Pitch = -1.6660072803497317
[Pass] IMU Roll = 2.300811767578125
---- Checking EndOfArm ----
[Pass] Ping of: stretch_gripper
[Pass] Calibrated: stretch_gripper
[Pass] Ping of: wrist_pitch
[Pass] Ping of: wrist_roll
[Pass] Ping of: wrist_yaw
[Pass] Calibrated: wrist_yaw
---- Checking Head ----
[Pass] Ping of: head_pan
[Pass] Ping of: head_tilt
---- Checking Wacc ----
[Pass] AX = 9.529446601867676
---- Checking hello-motor-left-wheel ----
[Pass] Position = 2.0953028202056885
---- Checking hello-motor-right-wheel ----
[Pass] Position = -1.8785152435302734
---- Checking hello-motor-arm ----
[Pass] Position = 2.4048545360565186
[Pass] Position Calibrated = True
---- Checking hello-motor-lift ----
[Pass] Position = 67.13237762451172
[Pass] Position Calibrated = True
---- Checking for Intel D435i ----
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8086:0b3a Intel Corp. Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera 435i
[Pass] : Device found
Our cliff sensors being out of range doesn’t seem related to the present issue? And we’re not currently relying on them for anything, but if there’s something we should do about that as well, please let me know.
Thanks! Overall very happy with our Stretch, it’s been working quite well.