Creating a new workspace on Stretch

Hi there,

I tried to create a new workspace on my Stretch RE2 to work safely without messing up the existing ROS1 or ROS2 workspaces.

Is this a recommended practice or is it better to just add a new user on the Stretch and work there?

When following this tutorial, the shell is executed normally, but my new workspace still stays empty.

~/stretch_install$ ./factory/20.04/ -w ~/home/hello-robot/noors_ws
CREATING NOETIC CATKIN WORKSPACE at /home/hello-robot/home/hello-robot/noors_ws
Ensuring correct version of ROS is sourced...
Deleting /home/hello-robot/home/hello-robot/noors_ws if it already exists...
[sudo] password for hello-robot: 
Creating the workspace directory...
Cloning the workspace's packages...
Fetch ROS packages' dependencies (this might take a while)...
Make the workspace...
Source setup.bash file...
Index ROS packages...
Update ~/.bashrc dotfile to source workspace...
Updating meshes in stretch_ros to this robot's batch...
Setup uncalibrated robot URDF...
Setup calibrated robot URDF...
Compiling FUNMAP's Cython code...

According to the Tutorial, that is all there is to do.
Do I need to run catkin build additionally? or source devel/setup.bash ?

Hi @roboor, I missed this thread before! Sorry about that. Did you figure it out? Let me know if this is still an issue.