How to avoid Stretch RE1 battery problems

Some of the Stretch units have experienced difficulty maintaining their battery charge, or difficulty recovering from a deep discharge. By adopting our recommended best practices you should be able to avoid problems.

We’ve recently posted online the Stretch Battery Maintenance Guide. Please take a moment to review and adopt the recommended best practices described there .

Please let us know you if you encounter issues with the battery maintaining charge or your robot powering on. We can assist you in getting your robot back to a functioning state.

We apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused.

Hi. I am using Stretch RE1 and I am facing a problem related to its battery. The battery never gets a full charge. Whenever I leave the robot charged, after few hours, it stops charging even though it is not fully charged. The battery charger shows the symbol of “Bad Battery” (red battery symbol with cross mark). Even if I try to use the robot in supply mode, the battery won’t hold whenever I open rviz.
Can you please help me with that? How can I solve it?

Hi @Rupesh one thing I would like you to check is to see if the charger is working during supply mode.

When the charger is plugged into the robot and supply mode is on, if you run in the terminal

The voltage should be greater 13V, to indicated the charger is correctly working

if it does show greater than 13V I would suggest leaving it on there for a couple of hours (4-5) and then take a look at our forum post on Repairing Unhealthy Batteries to run a repair cycle on your robot