I followed the steps outlined to change the tool to the dry erase marker tool provided here as an exercise before changing to our custom tool, but when executing:
$ rosrun stretch_calibration update_urdf_after_xacro_change.sh
The output said it finished but the process seems to hang and not finish so I used ctrl c to return to the command line in order to run the following roslaunch command. When running the roslaunch command or trying to run stretch_robot_home.py I got the following error message:
IOError on: /dev/hello-dynamixel-wrist
which also means when running stretch_robot_system_check.py that not everything was calibrated. It seems to me that the rosrun command isn’t actually updating the URDF file to include the new tool, and still expects the original gripper. I was able to still run a simple program that involved moving the base, lift, and arm, but I want to make sure I’m not doing something wrong that could harm the robot.