I’ve been getting the following messages about joint effort while running Stretch’s lift:
[INFO] [1626281222.993288]: Lift single effort less than single_effort_threshold: 18.9405727386 <= 20.0
[INFO] [1626281222.994605]: Lift average effort less than av_effort_threshold: 19.1662563618 <= 20.0
or when extending/retracting its arm:
[INFO] [1626282202.789429]: Extension single effort exceeded single_effort_threshold: 46.255050659 2 >= 40.0
[INFO] [1626282202.794737]: Extension average effort exceeded av_effort_threshold: 49.3674260388 >= 40.0
I am getting this output during autonomous movement of the lift or arm, even when nothing is making contact with either component. There isn’t anything that is obviously wrong with either joint - the robot seems to operate as it did before these messages - but I didn’t want to ignore it in case it indicates a hardware issue I’m just not noticing. Is this a potential cause for concern?
Thank you for your help!