Offloading compute: Full topic list no longer visible on Stretch

Hi @zktlks, thankyou for bringing-up this issue.

Because you mention that you are able see the topics listed from the remote computer but not in the robot itself, and also that you have setup your ROS2 to work with a Unicast setup using the Fast-DDs, it might be the case that you might have to enable Multicast in the loopback network adapter (lo) which could solve node discovery within the robot.

sudo ifconfig lo mulitcast
sudo route add -net netmask dev lo

(source) I found this Github Issue thread informative. It also explains how to enable Multicast in the robot’s loopback network while using Fast-DDS.

Another reference debug step you could try to fix the communication issue in Unicast is setting Peer IP addresses, as mentioned in this forum post, where they had a similar situation to yours.