I am trying to set up ROS communication between two Hello Robot Stretch 3 (both running ROS Humble on Ubuntu 22.04.5). Both the robots are connected to same wireless network and the firewall for both robots are inactive.
When running “ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker” on robot1 and “ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp listener” on robot 2. The Robot 2 could not listen. I am able to SSH and ping each other but could not make ROS communication. Can someone help me in this regard?
I was able to make it work using mobile hotspot on my laptop and connecting the two robots on my laptop’s mobile hotspot. It looks like the problem was my WIFI provider rather than ROS settings. Feel free to use these settings if you need to make robot communicate with each other. Of course, change your robot’s IP.
Hey @ris7188, just a heads up, you’ll run into overlapping topic issues since both robots publish to the same topics. The solution is to use ROS’s namespacing feature to group Robot 1’s topics under its namespace (e.g. /robot1/stretch_driver/...), and the same for Robot 2.
Also, I (and other ROS2 devs) have noticed that ROS2 struggles to network large messages (e.g. uncompressed imagery or point clouds), so if you’re planning on networking large messages, what’s worked for me is opening a dedicated socket between the two robots.