ROS support & development

Hello everyone,

Binit Shah (@bshah) and I (@hello-ck) are involved with software support and development. We each have a robot from the first production run. I’ve got mine in my home in Atlanta, Georgia and Binit has his in his home in Massachusetts. We’re excited to help people with their Stretch RE1s. So, please don’t hesitate to contact us, ideally through this forum.

Currently, our primary development focus is on the code found in the stretch_ros repository. If you haven’t already, you should update this repository on your robot using git pull. For example, you can run roscd roscore and then git pull to obtain the latest version.

The physical robot, firmware, and lower-level Python code for the Stretch RE1 are well tested and stable. In contrast, significant parts of the ROS-related code are rapidly evolving and need more work. You can find an overview of the state of the ROS-related code at the top-level of the stretch_ros repository.

We’ll be actively developing this code all summer. If there are particular capabilities you would like, please let us know by replying to this post.

Best wishes,

Charlie Kemp, PhD
co-founder & CTO
Hello Robot Inc.

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