ROS 2 URDF does not contain wrist camera

Hi! When I visualize the robot URDF in ROS 2 using rviz, I do not see a wrist camera. Is this expected?

I believe this may be affecting the fact that I have been unable to use ROS to transform points from the wrist camera frame to the base frame. ros2 run tf2_ros tf2_echo camera_depth_frame base_link works as expected for transforming points from the head camera to the base frame, but I have been unable to do so for the wrist camera.

Any ideas will be much appreciated! Thanks!

Hi @arjung, Could you verify if your URDF is updated to the latest using the Stretch URDF package? You could do this by executing the following command.

pip3 install -U hello-robot-stretch-urdf --ros2_rebuild

Also the wrist camera links have the name space gripper_camera_* whereas the head camera has the namespace camera_*.

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Hi @Mohamed_Fazil, my URDF was not up to date. Thanks a bunch for your help!

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