Hi I’m new to Stretch II.
I was trying to control wrist_yaw motor using both xbox and python API.
But the moving range of wrist_yaw is really restricted.
This is the Error message.
hello-robot@stretch-re2-2062:~$ stretch_wrist_yaw_jog.py
For use with S T R E T C H (R) RESEARCH EDITION from Hello Robot Inc.
[DEBUG] [wrist_yaw]: [Dynamixel ID:013] ping Succeeded. Dynamixel model number : 1080. Baud 115200
------ MENU -------
a: increment 15 deg
b: decrement 15 deg
[DEBUG] [wrist_yaw]: Clipping move_to(4.675829104940082) with soft limits [-1.374830281142506, 4.417225510449028]
When I keep input a, this soft limit error happens. And the state of wrist is same as below image.
And when I keep input ‘b’ it only rotates about 30 degrees, and can’t rotate more. Also, it shows below error message
hello-robot@stretch-re2-2062:~$ stretch_robot_monitor.py
For use with S T R E T C H (R) RESEARCH EDITION from Hello Robot Inc.
[WARNING] [tool_stretch_gripper]: Dynamixel communication error during pull_status on tool_stretch_gripper:
and when i input same command again, it gives,
hello-robot@stretch-re2-2062:~$ stretch_robot_monitor.py
For use with S T R E T C H (R) RESEARCH EDITION from Hello Robot Inc.
Starting Robot Monitor. Ctrl-C to exit
[WARNING] [wrist_yaw]: WARNING: Servo wrist_yaw in error state: overload_error. Reboot servo with stretch_robot_dynamixel_reboot.py
[WARNING] [robot_monitor]: Dynamixel overload_error on tool_stretch_gripper:wrist_yaw
this error. The first time I ran the robot, it can rotate 360 degrees with no problem. but suddenly this kind of limited rotation angle of wrist_yaw happens. How can I fix this? There is nothing attached to the gripper.
Even after I tried stretch_robot_dynamixel_reboot.py, problem doesn’t solved.
These are the collision related parameters of robot.
hello-robot@stretch-re2-2062:~$ stretch_params.py | grep collision
stretch_body.robot_params.nominal_params . . param.collision_arm_camera.enabled . . 0
stretch_body.robot_params.nominal_params . . param.collision_arm_camera.py_class_name . . CollisionArmCamera
stretch_body.robot_params.nominal_params . . param.collision_arm_camera.py_module_name . . stretch_body.robot_collision_models
stretch_body.robot_params.nominal_params . . param.collision_stretch_gripper.enabled . . 0
stretch_body.robot_params.nominal_params . . param.collision_stretch_gripper.py_class_name . . CollisionStretchGripper
stretch_body.robot_params.nominal_params . . param.collision_stretch_gripper.py_module_name . . stretch_body.robot_collision_models
stretch_body.robot_params.nominal_params . . param.robot.rates.NonDXLStatusThread_collision_downrate_int . . 5
stretch_user_params.yaml . . param.robot.use_collision_manager . . 0
stretch_body.robot_params.nominal_params . . param.robot_collision.models . . [‘collision_arm_camera’]
stretch_body.robot_params.nominal_params . . param.tool_stretch_gripper.collision_models . . [‘collision_stretch_gripper’]
Thank you for reading.