Stretch2 doesn't move in Trajectory mode

I cannot make the robot move in trajectory mode by sending a trajectory to a joint of my Stretch2 on ROS2 Humble. As an example, I have written a small script ( Send trajectory · GitHub ) that sends a trajectory with two points to the driver.

The driver says that the trajectory was successfully executed but the arm doesn’t move at all.

[stretch_driver-3] [INFO] [1734691746.606287495] [stretch_driver]: stretch_driver joint_traj action: new traj with 2 points over 4.0 seconds
[stretch_driver-3] -------------------------------------------
[stretch_driver-3] Finished goal
[stretch_driver-3] [INFO] [1734691750.936843317] [stretch_driver]: stretch_driver joint_traj action: traj succeeded!

In position mode, I can control the joints of the robot without any problem. This issue is very similar to stretch3-lift-arm-does-not-move-in-trajectory-mode but the fix suggested in this topic (an update of the firmware ) doesn’t work in my case.

I would be interested to know if people can reproduce my issue or if they are able to use the trajectory mode via ROS. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.