Unable to view Map while running Nav2 or FUNMap


Whenever i try to run

ros2 launch stretch_nav2 offline_mapping.launch.py

From Nav2 documentations, i am not able to see the map in RVIZ.

The error i am facing is under
GlobalStatus: Error
FixedFrame: Frame [map] does not exist.

Can anyone help me with overcoming this problem?


Hi @Yash welcome to the forum.
Could you provide the whole error output from the terminal for further debugging?

I’ve ran code from stretch_install to update the workspace. Now everything seems to be working fine.

How ever, i noticed that when the funmap or the Nav2 is launched, the Xbox controller does not respond. When the controller is off, the Funmap and Nav2 works perfectly fine.

How do i debug this?

Thankyou for reporting this issue. I am trying to reproduce the issue and will get back to you soon.

Here are a couple of screen shots from the terminal when i ran it.

Sometimes, when the Controller works, i dont see the nav2 map that is being created ( as in the original Image of the query post).

When i run it again after freeing the controller, Nav2 and Funmap works perfectly fine.

I am not able to use the controller and have to depend on the keyboard navigation.

I tried running the controller code after launching the Nav2, it says some other process is using the controller and i need to use the stretch free script.

Continued with the previous post

I recently tired running rtabmap and it worked well with the stretch robot.
Unfortunately, the same issues of Remote Controller still exists with it.

I do have a more questions about the Device and its working. I would be using the Stretch Robot to capture images using DSLR camera and would require some guidance with it.
Should i create a new forum post or shall can i post about them over here?

Hi @Yash sorry for the delayed reply. The issue you are seeing with the xbox controller seems like an USB port access issue between the stretch_driver node and teleop_twist_node. Stretch driver got introduced a new gamepad mode which is trying to access the Joystick USB and at the same time telelop_twist_node might also be trying which might be causing trouble.
I have created a fix branch for you try which removes the teleop_twist_node launch and launches stretch_driver in gamepad mode. Would you try this fix branch and see if the issue goes away?

And regarding using Stretch with DSLR camera, please feel free to start a new forum with more info on the project and things you are trying to achieve. Happy to help with it.