Aruco Tag Transform not working?

Hi all, been messing with Aruco tags lately as I’ve been trying to get it to align to one. Facing an issue right now though with tf2 refusing to find the transform between the base and the tag. Might’ve found the issue, but not sure what the best approach to solve it is.
From a tf2_monitor node, I got this output:

All Broadcasters:
Node: 38.1967 Hz, Average Delay: 2.60562 Max Delay: 1934.7

RESULTS: for thomas_test to base_link
Chain is: thomas_test → camera_color_optical_frame → camera_color_frame → camera_link → camera_bottom_screw_frame → link_head_tilt → link_head_pan → link_head → link_mast
Net delay avg = 0.114324: max = 0.43876

Frame: camera_bottom_screw_frame, published by , Average Delay: 87.9968, Max Delay: 87.9968
Frame: camera_color_frame, published by , Average Delay: 1011.34, Max Delay: 1934.69
Frame: camera_color_optical_frame, published by , Average Delay: 1011.34, Max Delay: 1934.69
Frame: camera_link, published by , Average Delay: 87.9968, Max Delay: 87.9968
Frame: link_head, published by , Average Delay: 87.9969, Max Delay: 87.9969
Frame: link_head_pan, published by , Average Delay: 0.00254884, Max Delay: 0.0195727
Frame: link_head_tilt, published by , Average Delay: 0.00254958, Max Delay: 0.0195737
Frame: link_mast, published by , Average Delay: 87.9969, Max Delay: 87.9969
Frame: thomas_test, published by , Average Delay: 0.203518, Max Delay: 0.425736

So it is able to actually find the transform between the two. But I think it’s just such a long chain that it’s timing out. Which I know could probably be solved with a timeout arg, but I don’t think that’s the right solution here. That’d mean the transform would need a half second to just find the one transform between the two.

Anyone else run into this issue? Is there some way to shorten the transform time between them by making cutting out a few frames like camera_color_frame or camera_bottom_screw_frame?

Hi @byrnete , Thankyou for posting your issue. Would you also post a snippet of the code you are using to get the transform for me to try to reproduce this issue?