Help Needed: Simultaneous Base Movement and Look-Around on Stretch-3 Robot

I am curious whether the Stretch-3 robot can perform two or more actions simultaneously (for example, base movement and looking around at the same time). I am currently developing based on the DynaMem repository, and from what I have observed, this functionality does not seem to be supported. I would like to know whether this is a hardware limitation or if it can be achieved by modifying the Stretch-3 robot’s software.

If I need to modify ROS2 code, could you recommend any relevant resources or references? For example, guidance on which parts of the code handle motion control or where to implement parallel command execution would be helpful. Specifically, knowing the location of the base movement or head control nodes (like in stretch_ros2_bridge/src/ or similar directories) and how to coordinate them for simultaneous operation would be appreciated.

Hi @seongwoncho, yes, two or more actions can happen simultaneously and the Python/ROS2 API supports this. Likely, the DynaMem project also supports this (since it builds on the ROS2 code), but I am not familiar with it, so I’ll like one of the authors of DynaMem, @Peiqi_Liu, answer how to achieve this in DynaMem.

hi @seongwoncho , I used to try what you said (i.e. sending two actions simultaneously to robots) in dynamem project but sadly I don’t think two commands were processed nicely in Stretch AI codes. I do believe processing two actions is working in ROS2 API as @bshah said, but sadly Stretch AI currently does not support it.

We do appreciate if you can fix this bug if you have chances. You might start from checking zmq client codes on workstation end and server codes on the robot end.