New robot setup error


I’m setting up a new robot following these instructions:

I’m running into FAILURE. INSTALLATION DID NOT COMPLETE. when running ./

Here are the install logs: - Google Drive

Could you please help me troubleshoot this?

Hi @Theophile_Gervet,

Thank you for including the zipped logs! You ran into a bug in one of the last steps of the robot install: set up of the Stretch ROS2 Ament workspace. We fixed the issue today. Since the install exited on this last step, you won’t need to start a new robot install. You can follow these instructions to set up the Stretch ROS2 Ament workspace and finish the robot install:

  1. Start by removing two binaries that were incorrectly installed by running:

    sudo apt remove ros-noetic-librealsense2 ros-galactic-librealsense2
  2. Look near the end of your ~/.bashrc file and comment out lines that look like the following.

    source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
    source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
  3. Open a new terminal now. Running echo $ROS_DISTRO shouldn’t return “noetic” or anything else. Run the following commands to create the Stretch ROS2 Ament workspace:

    cd ~/stretch_install # Stretch Install should be cloned here if following the "new robot install" guide
    git checkout master
    git pull
  4. Go back into your ~/.bashrc file and uncomment the workspaces associated with ROS1 Noetic or ROS2 Galactic, depending on which version of ROS you’re looking to use. ROS1 Noetic is uncommented by default for a new install.

  5. Continue your post install steps normally, as described in the robot install guide.

Let me know if you have any troubles or any questions!