Robot doesn't move after push_command

i have faced issues with only being able to command each part of the robot once. e.g. after a push command to move robot.arm, i cannot push another command to move robot.arm again unless i recalibrate the robot in the terminal by calling

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Greeting @Hung-Te_Wu. As a first step, could you try upgrading the Stretch Body and Tools to the latest version if it is not yet upgraded and retry pushing multiple motion commands?
pip3 install -U hello-robot-stretch-body
pip3 install -U hello-robot-stretch-body-tools

Further if the issue still exists, could perform the following debug steps:

  • Try jogging the arm/lift/base individually using the CLI tools:
    • Does the individual joints move?
    • If possible, could you attach the outputs of these commands
  • Send us the output of
  • Send us a script to reproduce the issue you are facing

Hi @Mohamed_Fazil, thanks for the reply.

pip3 installing did not solve the problem. Jogging the arm individually also did not move the parts.

The output of is the following:

For use with S T R E T C H (R) RESEARCH EDITION from Hello Robot Inc.

m: menu
i / o : small in out
I / O : large in out
f: stiffness float
s: stiffness soft
h: stiffness hard
1: rate slow
2: rate default
3: rate fast
4: rate max
q: quit

----- Arm ------
Pos (m): 0.07999671566647522
Vel (m/s): -0.0004468031605360779
Soft motion limits (m) [0.0, 0.5181478787417008]
Timestamp PC (s): 1696359447.2533283

x_des (rad) 0 (deg) 0.0
v_des (rad) 25 (deg) 1432.3944878270581
a_des (rad) 15 (deg) 859.4366926962349
Stiffness 1
Feedforward 0
Pos (rad) 11.662919044494629 (deg) 668.236038052293
Vel (rad/s) -0.06514053791761398 (deg) -3.7322778978911897
Effort (Ticks) 1.1210387714598537e-44
Effort (Pct) 4.533612678697937e-45
Current (A) 1.45075605718334e-46
Error (deg) 0.0
Debug 0.0
Guarded Events: 6
Diag 00000000000000000000000100000001
Position Calibrated: True
Runstop on: False
Near Pos Setpoint: False
Near Vel Setpoint: False
Is Moving: False
Is Moving Filtered: 0
At Current Limit: False
Is MG Accelerating: False
Is MG Moving: False
Encoder Calibration in Flash: True
In Guarded Event: False
In Safety Event: False
Waiting on Sync: False
Timestamp (s) 1696359447.2531343
Board variant: Stepper.Guthrie.V1
Firmware version: Stepper.v0.0.1p0

m: menu
i / o : small in out
I / O : large in out
f: stiffness float
s: stiffness soft
h: stiffness hard
1: rate slow
2: rate default
3: rate fast
4: rate max
q: quit


The output of is the following:

For use with S T R E T C H (R) RESEARCH EDITION from Hello Robot Inc.

[WARNING] [robot]: Not able to use asyncio for transport communications. Defaulting to sync.

---- Checking Devices ----
[Pass] : hello-wacc
[Pass] : hello-motor-left-wheel
[Pass] : hello-pimu
[Pass] : hello-lrf
[Pass] : hello-dynamixel-head
[Pass] : hello-dynamixel-wrist
[Pass] : hello-motor-arm
[Pass] : hello-motor-right-wheel
[Pass] : hello-motor-lift
[Pass] : hello-respeaker

---- Checking Pimu ----
[Pass] Voltage = 13.23493480682373
[Pass] Current = 1.6320662244277844
[Pass] Temperature = 35.70894293296031
[Pass] Cliff-0 = 2.296875
[Pass] Cliff-1 = 6.44403076171875
[Pass] Cliff-2 = 1.694122314453125
[Pass] Cliff-3 = -5.9464111328125
[Pass] IMU AZ = -9.764451026916504
[Pass] IMU Pitch = -2.18147087097168
[Pass] IMU Roll = 1.6483917236328127

---- Checking EndOfArm ----
[Pass] Ping of: stretch_gripper
[Pass] Calibrated: stretch_gripper

[Pass] Ping of: wrist_pitch

[Pass] Ping of: wrist_roll

[Pass] Ping of: wrist_yaw
[Pass] Calibrated: wrist_yaw

---- Checking Head ----
[Pass] Ping of: head_pan

[Pass] Ping of: head_tilt

---- Checking Wacc ----
[Pass] AX = 10.682317733764648

---- Checking hello-motor-left-wheel ----
[Pass] Position = 11.884260177612305

---- Checking hello-motor-right-wheel ----
[Pass] Position = 12.056734085083008

---- Checking hello-motor-arm ----
[Pass] Position = 11.664052963256836
[Pass] Position Calibrated = True

---- Checking hello-motor-lift ----
[Pass] Position = 62.842681884765625
[Pass] Position Calibrated = True

---- Checking for Intel D435i ----
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8086:0b3a Intel Corp. Intel(R) RealSense™ Depth Camera 435i
[Pass] : Device found

---- Checking Software ----
[Warn] Ubuntu 20.04 not ready (ros-noetic-librealsense2 not set-up correctly)
[Warn] Firmware not up-to-date (try --recommended)
hello-pimu = v0.0.1p0
hello-wacc = v0.1.0p1
hello-motor-arm = v0.0.1p0
hello-motor-lift = v0.0.1p0
hello-motor-left-wheel = v0.0.1p0
hello-motor-right-wheel = v0.0.1p0
[Pass] Python pkgs are up-to-date
Stretch Body = 0.5.7
Stretch Body Tools = 0.5.2
Stretch Tool Share = 0.2.8
Stretch Factory = 0.4.10
Stretch Diagnostics = 0.0.14
[Warn] ROS Noetic not ready (stretch_core missing)

I didn’t run a script, it was just simply type in the following command in the terminal to control the Stretch RE1:
$ pkill -f stretch_xbox*
$ ipython
robot.push_command() # this command works and the arm moved

robot.push_command() # this command doesn’t work

The same thing happened when I ran $ in the terminal, the arm and life only responded for the first time when I moved the joy stick, and didn’t have any respond after that; however, the DexWrist does work perfectly fine.

@Hung-Te_Wu As you can see from the software section of the Stretch Sytem Check’s output, all of your robot’s devices’ firmware seems to be outdated(~ v0.1).

Our newest software is compatible with firmware v0.5.0 and above. As the next step, I recommend you update all the device’s Firmware to the latest. You can update all the device’s firmware to the latest using the command: --install

Ensure your lift is clamped underneath before starting the firmware update. Contact if you get into any trouble while updating the firmware.

Let us know if updating the firmware resolved your issue.

Hi @Mohamed_Fazil thanks for the suggestion. The problem was fixed!

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@Hung-Te_Wu Glad you were able to fix the issue!