ROS Humble Moveit2


I am currently trying to figure out how to best perform manipulation using the robot base and the robot arm, but I can’t seem to find much support in the stretch_ros2 github or stretch_tutorials repo. The moveit tutorials say to checkout a branch in stretch_ros2 that doesn’t exist, and I can’t seem to find any moveit2 configs anywhere. Any advice on how to get started with manipulation involving the base would be very helpful. Thank you!

Hi @moore.dr, good question! The MoveIt2 config/code was written for Galactic and the MoveIt2 tutorials are currently out-of-date. The config/code should be updated in the next few weeks, and the tutorials will be updated and re-released in late Feb. I’ll can follow up here when this package/tutorials have been updated for Humble.

Yes, that would be great! By the config being updated, that means I will be able to use MoveIt2 in the stretch_ros2 repo right?