I started my robot and can’t home the gripper. Here are the logs:
hello-robot@stretch-re2-2003:~$ stretch_robot_dynamixel_reboot.py
For use with S T R E T C H (R) RESEARCH EDITION from Hello Robot Inc.
[WARNING] [stretch_gripper]: DynamixelHelloXL430 Ping failed... stretch_gripper
DynamixelHelloXL430 Ping failed... stretch_gripper
Rebooting: head_pan
[Dynamixel ID:011] Reboot Succeeded.
Rebooting: head_tilt
[Dynamixel ID:012] Reboot Succeeded.
Dynamixel servo reboot complete. You will need to re-home servos now.
hello-robot@stretch-re2-2003:~$ stretch_robot_home.py
For use with S T R E T C H (R) RESEARCH EDITION from Hello Robot Inc.
[WARNING] [stretch_gripper]: DynamixelHelloXL430 Ping failed... stretch_gripper
DynamixelHelloXL430 Ping failed... stretch_gripper
--------- Homing Head ----
--------- Homing Lift ----
Homing Lift...
Hardstop detected at motor position (rad) 115.06414794921875
Marking Lift position to 1.098445 (m)
Marking Lift position to 0.000000 (m)
Lift homing successful
--------- Homing Arm ----
Homing Arm...
Hardstop detected at motor position (rad) -0.2050761878490448
Marking Arm position to 0.000000 (m)
Arm homing successful
[WARNING] [stretch_gripper]: Not able to home stretch_gripper. Hardware not present
[WARNING] [wrist_yaw]: Not able to home wrist_yaw. Hardware not present
Things I tried:
- restarting Stretch, but the error persists.
- checking if the hardware wires are correctly connected and not damaged.