Stretch gripper and yaw not homing

I started my robot and can’t home the gripper. Here are the logs:

For use with S T R E T C H (R) RESEARCH EDITION from Hello Robot Inc.

[WARNING] [stretch_gripper]: DynamixelHelloXL430 Ping failed... stretch_gripper
DynamixelHelloXL430 Ping failed... stretch_gripper
Rebooting: head_pan
[Dynamixel ID:011] Reboot Succeeded.
Rebooting: head_tilt
[Dynamixel ID:012] Reboot Succeeded.

Dynamixel servo reboot complete. You will need to re-home servos now.
For use with S T R E T C H (R) RESEARCH EDITION from Hello Robot Inc.

[WARNING] [stretch_gripper]: DynamixelHelloXL430 Ping failed... stretch_gripper
DynamixelHelloXL430 Ping failed... stretch_gripper
--------- Homing Head ----
--------- Homing Lift ----
Homing Lift...
Hardstop detected at motor position (rad) 115.06414794921875
Marking Lift position to 1.098445 (m)
Marking Lift position to 0.000000 (m)
Lift homing successful
--------- Homing Arm ----
Homing Arm...
Hardstop detected at motor position (rad) -0.2050761878490448
Marking Arm position to 0.000000 (m)
Arm homing successful
[WARNING] [stretch_gripper]: Not able to home stretch_gripper. Hardware not present
[WARNING] [wrist_yaw]: Not able to home wrist_yaw. Hardware not present

Things I tried:

  • restarting Stretch, but the error persists.
  • checking if the hardware wires are correctly connected and not damaged.

Hey @Vidhi_Jain

These warnings usually pop up when the three wires going into the wrist Dynamixels have come loose. It is worth disconnecting and then reconnecting the 3-pin connector and then trying again.

To do this follow the steps:

  1. Completely power down the robot
  2. Disconnect the 3-pin connector on the wrist Dynamixel by gently tugging on it
  3. Firmly reconnect the 3-pin connector
  4. Power on the robot
  5. Run in a terminal

Let me know what you find.

Chintan Desai

I disconnected and replaced one of the 3-pin connector Dynamixel wire and reconnected the others, but the issue still persists.

The light on the gripper was earlier flashing red. After reconnecting and replacing dynamixel wires, it shows no light at all.
I believe this would be white light in normal circumstances, isn’t it?

I ran /dev/hello-dynamixel-wrist and it detects 0 servos. /dev/hello-dynamixel-head works as expected, by finding 2 servos on id 11,12.

Does this mean that the dynamixel is somehow damaged?