I was looking to use another microphone instead of Respeaker for the Voice Teleop demo and in general. We have the Rode Wireless Pro, and was wondering if there was a way to use that instead? I’m pretty sure these mics do not support ROS/ROS2 and I was thinking of using recordings and using a speech to text model to transcribe and then feed it in to the demo.
Good question! Some previous work has used the SpeechRecognitionpython package; see this forum post for more explanation of working with that package.
Since that forum post is a bit old, and any ROS code in the old post is ROS1, here’s an isolated tutorial for using a different USB microphone in ROS2; I hope that it helps with your integration!
Set up USB Microphone
To test, I plugged my Samson Condenser Microphone into a USB port on the base of a Stretch RE3. You can change the input device in Ubuntu sound settings as shown below; you may have to adjust the gain to get suitable performance with your Rode mic.
I whipped up a ROS2 node that is a simplified adaptation of the “color listening” ROS1 node linked in the previous form post (link to that code here). This ROS2 node will use your system’s default microphone and use the SpeechRecognition package to transcribe audio from an audio clip.
Hopefully this code can serve as a useful reference, or as a starting point for building your application.
Example Usage
Copy this node into your ROS2 project and add it to your setup.py file.
In a terminal, run ros2 run your_package node_name.
Say something into your mic, and the output should be something like:
import threading
import rclpy
from rclpy.executors import MultiThreadedExecutor
from rclpy.node import Node
# Speech Recognition
import speech_recognition as sr
from speech_recognition.audio import AudioData
class Transcriber(Node):
def __init__(self):
# Initialize speech recognizer
self.recognizer = sr.Recognizer()
def _predict_text(self, audio_clip: AudioData) -> str:
Predicts text contained in an audio snippet.
audio_clip : AudioData
Audio data output from the SpeechRecognition recognizer object
English text contained in the audio data
self.get_logger().info("Processing Audio...")
return self.recognizer.recognize_google(audio_clip) # you can change this to be something else
except sr.UnknownValueError:
self.get_logger().info("Speech recognizer could not understand audio")
return None
except sr.RequestError as e:
self.get_logger().info("Speech recognition error; {0}".format(e))
return None
def start_recording(self, recording_length_s: float=3.) -> str:
Triggers an audio recording and returns text contained in the recording.
recording_length_s : float
Number of seconds to record for
English text contained in the audio data
with sr.Microphone() as source:
audio_clip = self.recognizer.record(source, duration=recording_length_s)
text_string = self._predict_text(audio_clip)
self.get_logger().info("recognized text: {}".format(text_string))
return text_string
def run(self):
Main method for node.
# you could put a loop here
self.get_logger().info("Transcriber done.")
def main():
node = Transcriber()
executor = MultiThreadedExecutor(num_threads=4)
# Spin in the background since detecting faces will block the main thread
spin_thread = threading.Thread(
kwargs={"executor": executor},
# Run node
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Terminate this node
# Join the spin thread (so it is spinning in the main thread)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Adding on to @hello-lamsey 's great response, here are some additional pointers:
We have investigated external mics on Stretch. We’ve gotten the best “room-level coverage” (e.g., voices audible from 10-15 ft away) with either this condenser mic mounted on the base or the head, or this USB-dongle mic mounted on the head.
You have to correctly configure which microphone your system uses, as well as the microphone’s gain. If you connect your robot to a monitor, this can be easily done through Ubuntu’s System Settings, as @hello-lamsey pointed out. But if you’d prefer a terminal-based solution, this configure_audio.sh script should also do that for you. Essentially, it unmutes the mic and speaker, sets the speaker to the speaker you specify (defaulting to the built-in robot one), and sets the mic to the mic you specify (if you only have one external mic plugged in, it sets the mic to that mic even without you specifying it).
In the above applications, we used Javascript to access the mic (this was for our web teleop application), so we didn’t need to use ROS2 to process the audio. If you are interested in speech-to-text though, we did create a ROS2 node for text-to-speech here, and a ROS2 node CLI to easily send text-to-speech commands here.