Web Teleop demo gets stuck loading

Hello, we followed instructions of Demo 2 - Web Teleop on Stretch 3.
After launch_interface.sh output is as expected, but neither localhost either remote operator over Moonlight in the same network are not launching the application, there is just continuously spinning wheel “Loading…”.
Camera feed is running well, stretch_camera_streams_check.py is opening multiple camera views (although moving buttons do not react, zooming of main camera view is possible).
What are we missing? Thanks!
Stretch3 Teleop attempt

Hi Kalle,

Can you right-click on the webpage and click Inspect and share what is being outputted in the console. Thanks!

Sure, if it only does help… :slight_smile:

Can you click “Console”? It’s next to Inspector in the top left.

Right note! Will click there next time. :slight_smile:
In meantime we have another major problem to solve - vertical-horizontal movement system is out. During calibration, Strech is testing different hand movement nodes, yaw and grabbing are still animated, but other motors do not get power. Cameras are OK, this demo is running but that’s all we can reach now. It is a warranty case.

Hi @kallet, would you send us an email at support@hello-robot.com? We should be able to figure out what’s happening with the arm/lift motors and resolve the issue.

Hi @bshah, we have contacted (Visaacan Rathiraj) and found, thanks to good guidance, a faulty connector cable between head and base or faulty connector on Base PCB. Currently Stretch is booting and is working but probably only partially.
Still, it was possible to launch teleop demo and see the Console message. Does it help now?

Glad to hear it @kallet, Visaacan should be able to help resolve the cable issue.

In the meantime, the Console logs seems to indicate an issue on the robot-side of the demo. @hello-vinitha will be able to provide guidance on how to collect robot-side logs.

Hi @kallet , thanks for sharing the console logs! Just to confirm I understood you correctly, you were previously able to open the interface (2 days ago), see the camera views but were not able to control robot?

In the meantime, let’s run the interface launch commands manually and collect some logs.

Terminal 1:
ros2 launch stretch_web_teleop web_interface.launch.py >> log.txt.

Terminal 2:

cd ~/ament_ws/src/stretch_web_teleop/

Go ahead and open the interface as you normally do. You will see the same behavior where it will load indefinitely. CTRL+C in terminal 1 and run pm2 kill in terminal 2. There will be a file called log.txt in the directory you ran the command in terminal 1. Please share it here so I can make sure the background processes are running correctly. Thanks!

the log.txt file appeared short:
[INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/hello-robot/.ros/log/2024-10-10-23-41-44-574328-stretch-se3-3071-4823
[INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO
[ERROR] [launch]: Caught exception in launch (see debug for traceback): Caught multiple exceptions when trying to load file of format [py]:

  • FileNotFoundError: Could not find the specialized URDF, which is required for move-to-pregrasp, at /home/hello-robot/ament_ws/install/stretch_web_teleop/share/stretch_web_teleop/urdf/stretch_base_rotation_ik.urdf. Run the following:
    1. colcon_cd stretch_web_teleop
    2. python3 prepare_specialized_urdf.py
    3. cd ~/ament_ws
    4. colcon build
  • InvalidFrontendLaunchFileError: The launch file may have a syntax error, or its format is unknown

Should I follow suggestions there?

Yes, please run those 4 lines.

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@here, after the “generate URDFs on-the-fly” feature is merged (PR: Generate IK URDF on-the-fly by hello-binit · Pull Request #108 · hello-robot/stretch_web_teleop · GitHub), you won’t need those 4 steps anymore. And web teleop won’t be secretly failing to start because it needs those 4 steps to generate a cached URDF. I’ll have more details shortly, but in the future, updating your ROS workspace should suffice to solve this issue.