Stretch_web_interface unable to control the robot when connected

I am trying to use the stretch_web_interface to control the robot. The connection was established, as I am able to see the video streaming. However, when I click on the interface to tell the robot to move, the robot has no reaction. How should I fix this? Thanks in advance!

hello-robot@stretch-re1-1082:~/catkin_ws/src/stretch_web_interface/bash_scripts$ ./ 
attempt to bring up desktop development environment

first making sure that the system is fully shutdown prior to bringing it up
attempt to shutdown desktop development environment

remove environment variable for development environment
[sudo] password for hello-robot: 
sudo: unset: command not found

attempting to stop MongoDB...
sudo systemctl stop mongod.service
Failed to stop mongod.service: Unit mongod.service not loaded.

attempting to stop Redis...
sudo systemctl stop redis.service

attempting to stop the web server...
pkill -f "node ./bin/www"

finished attempt at shutting down the desktop development environment

set environment variable for development environment
export HELLO_ROBOT_ENV="development"

attempting to start MongoDB...
sudo systemctl start mongod.service
Failed to start mongod.service: Unit mongod.service not found.

attempting to start Redis...
sudo systemctl start redis.service

attempting to start the web server...
cd ../
sudo --preserve-env node ./bin/www &

finished attempt at bringing up the desktop development environment
hello-robot@stretch-re1-1082:~/catkin_ws/src/stretch_web_interface/bash_scripts$ start mongoose
use helmet
using a content security policy
require https
set up the view engine
set up passport
make public directory contents available to everyone
configure passport
set up error handling
set port number to 443
listen to port 80
connection successful
GET / 200 187.436 ms - 1200
GET /stylesheets/style.css 200 3.269 ms - 777
GET /login 200 36.064 ms - 1621
GET /stylesheets/style.css 304 1.553 ms - -
POST /login 401 12.004 ms - -
GET /register 200 34.977 ms - 1585
GET /stylesheets/style.css 304 0.791 ms - -
POST /register 302 482.286 ms - 46
GET / 200 31.338 ms - 1185
GET /stylesheets/style.css 304 2.739 ms - -
GET /logout 302 3.529 ms - 46
GET / 200 20.108 ms - 1200
GET /stylesheets/style.css 304 0.980 ms - -
GET /register 200 27.033 ms - 1585
GET /stylesheets/style.css 200 1.184 ms - 777
POST /register 302 439.038 ms - 46
GET / 200 18.715 ms - 1185
GET /stylesheets/style.css 304 2.418 ms - -
GET /logout 302 2.672 ms - 46
GET / 200 16.338 ms - 1200
GET /stylesheets/style.css 200 0.876 ms - 777
GET /register 200 19.184 ms - 1585
GET /stylesheets/style.css 304 1.962 ms - -
POST /register 200 34.909 ms - 1585
GET /stylesheets/style.css 304 1.096 ms - -
GET /login 304 17.055 ms - -
GET /stylesheets/style.css 304 0.740 ms - -
POST /login 302 217.855 ms - 46
GET / 200 21.840 ms - 1185
GET /stylesheets/style.css 304 2.359 ms - -
GET /login 200 17.365 ms - 1621
GET /stylesheets/style.css 304 2.550 ms - -
POST /login 302 242.469 ms - 78
GET /robot/robot.html 200 3.511 ms - 1181
GET /robot/robot.css 200 10.998 ms - 114
GET /shared/commands.js 200 11.202 ms - 16023
GET /shared/video_dimensions.js 200 20.852 ms - 2263
GET /robot/robot.js 200 19.689 ms - 47
GET /shared/send_recv_av.js 200 21.120 ms - 11704
GET /robot/robot_acquire_av.js 200 20.212 ms - 5739
GET /shared/sensors.js 200 19.644 ms - 5870
GET /robot/ros_connect.js 200 14.271 ms - 12134

successful connection to
data.user =
  _id: 629e8446f0c3996050025f6e,
  username: 'r1',
  role: 'robot',
  approved: true,
  date: 2022-06-06T22:48:38.670Z,
  __v: 0
connection authorized!
new connection
socket.handshake = 
  headers: {
    host: 'localhost',
    'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:100.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/100.0',
    accept: '*/*',
    'accept-language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5',
    'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br',
    connection: 'keep-alive',
    cookie: 'connect.sid=s%3AHcKDO7r4DYtGiP3TY2PBYe-Baj9xKS5u.XqWIZIjkZsXY4iEHm9NgkOd2qXklc%2BmL01V%2FPwoqkL4',
    'sec-fetch-dest': 'empty',
    'sec-fetch-mode': 'cors',
    'sec-fetch-site': 'same-origin'
  time: 'Mon Jun 06 2022 15:52:32 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)',
  address: '::ffff:',
  xdomain: false,
  secure: true,
  issued: 1654555952533,
  url: '/',
  query: [Object: null prototype] {
    EIO: '4',
    transport: 'polling',
    t: 'O4xE4M0'
  auth: {}
intended room name = r1
adding robot to the "robots" room
creating room for the robot and having it join the room
letting operators know about available robots
available_robots =
Set(1) { 'r1' }
connected robots = r1
available robots = r1
GET /login 200 20.303 ms - 1621
GET /stylesheets/style.css 200 2.253 ms - 777
POST /login 302 209.599 ms - 90
GET /operator/operator.html 200 2.747 ms - 10599
GET /operator/operator.css 200 2.283 ms - 8314
GET /shared/video_dimensions.js 200 3.251 ms - 2263
GET /operator/operator_acquire_av.js 200 4.381 ms - 4738
GET /shared/sensors.js 200 2.163 ms - 5870
GET /operator/operator_recorder.js 200 1.946 ms - 10195
GET /shared/send_recv_av.js 200 12.686 ms - 11704
GET /operator/operator.js 200 9.574 ms - 29
GET /shared/commands.js 200 11.345 ms - 16023
GET /operator/operator_ui_regions.js 200 10.859 ms - 21748
GET /operator/up_arrow_medium.png 200 6.585 ms - 708
GET /operator/down_arrow_medium.png 200 10.647 ms - 716
GET /operator/left_arrow_medium.png 200 10.107 ms - 630
GET /operator/right_arrow_medium.png 200 9.755 ms - 569
GET /operator/left_turn_medium.png 200 9.376 ms - 1202
GET /operator/right_turn_medium.png 200 9.358 ms - 1534
GET /operator/gripper_open_medium.png 200 7.675 ms - 1968
GET /operator/gripper_close_medium.png 200 2.097 ms - 2248

successful connection to
data.user =
  _id: 629e8466f0c3996050025f75,
  username: 'o1',
  role: 'operator',
  approved: true,
  date: 2022-06-06T22:49:10.212Z,
  __v: 0
connection authorized!
new connection
socket.handshake = 
  headers: {
    host: '',
    connection: 'keep-alive',
    'sec-ch-ua': '" Not A;Brand";v="99", "Chromium";v="101", "Google Chrome";v="101"',
    accept: '*/*',
    'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0',
    'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/101.0.4951.64 Safari/537.36',
    'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"Linux"',
    'sec-fetch-site': 'same-origin',
    'sec-fetch-mode': 'cors',
    'sec-fetch-dest': 'empty',
    'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br',
    'accept-language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9,zh-CN;q=0.8,zh;q=0.7',
    cookie: 'connect.sid=s%3AWeNtBlLv-AAaL_gGL6Hmb8Q3ol80DQ7u.oj7yEsCxsCSagzbL9oOlSMYGv9LDUzMCpCB%2B1b6wjqU'
  time: 'Mon Jun 06 2022 15:52:55 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)',
  address: '::ffff:',
  xdomain: false,
  secure: true,
  issued: 1654555975461,
  url: '/',
  query: [Object: null prototype] {
    EIO: '4',
    transport: 'polling',
    t: 'O4xE9x5'
  auth: {}
available_robots =
Set(1) { 'r1' }
Received request to join room r1
Requested room r1 currently has 1 client(s)
Client ID HV8f5epysv0bA224AAAD joined room r1
letting operators know about available robots
available_robots =
Set(0) {}
Client sent WebRTC message:  {
  type: 'offer',
  sdp: 'v=0\r\n' +
    'o=mozilla...THIS_IS_SDPARTA-99.0 2125455579996763519 0 IN IP4\r\n' +
    's=-\r\n' +
    't=0 0\r\n' +
    'a=fingerprint:sha-256 6B:83:D3:A5:B0:8A:16:87:76:51:37:29:CF:EB:63:33:BF:FF:0B:90:58:15:D0:0F:B5:A0:29:65:8A:3B:4B:3B\r\n' +
    'a=group:BUNDLE 0 1 2\r\n' +
    'a=ice-options:trickle\r\n' +
    'a=msid-semantic:WMS *\r\n' +
    'm=video 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 120 124 121 125 126 127 97 98\r\n' +
    'c=IN IP4\r\n' +
    'a=sendrecv\r\n' +
    'a=extmap:3 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:mid\r\n' +
    'a=extmap:4\r\n' +
    'a=extmap:5 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:toffset\r\n' +
    'a=extmap:6/recvonly\r\n' +
    'a=extmap:7\r\n' +
    'a=fmtp:126 profile-level-id=42e01f;level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=1\r\n' +
    'a=fmtp:97 profile-level-id=42e01f;level-asymmetry-allowed=1\r\n' +
    'a=fmtp:120 max-fs=12288;max-fr=60\r\n' +
    'a=fmtp:124 apt=120\r\n' +
    'a=fmtp:121 max-fs=12288;max-fr=60\r\n' +
    'a=fmtp:125 apt=121\r\n' +
    'a=fmtp:127 apt=126\r\n' +
    'a=fmtp:98 apt=97\r\n' +
    'a=ice-pwd:98366d4755bd40626dd2058a419dc7f3\r\n' +
    'a=ice-ufrag:62a88dad\r\n' +
    'a=mid:0\r\n' +
    'a=msid:{bb4bf9c2-a243-487a-932a-2aa80cfe0e74} {f7426381-1a6e-49e1-8837-7f7b38399994}\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:120 nack\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:120 nack pli\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:120 ccm fir\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:120 goog-remb\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:120 transport-cc\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:121 nack\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:121 nack pli\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:121 ccm fir\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:121 goog-remb\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:121 transport-cc\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:126 nack\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:126 nack pli\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:126 ccm fir\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:126 goog-remb\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:126 transport-cc\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:97 nack\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:97 nack pli\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:97 ccm fir\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:97 goog-remb\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:97 transport-cc\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-mux\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-rsize\r\n' +
    'a=rtpmap:120 VP8/90000\r\n' +
    'a=rtpmap:124 rtx/90000\r\n' +
    'a=rtpmap:121 VP9/90000\r\n' +
    'a=rtpmap:125 rtx/90000\r\n' +
    'a=rtpmap:126 H264/90000\r\n' +
    'a=rtpmap:127 rtx/90000\r\n' +
    'a=rtpmap:97 H264/90000\r\n' +
    'a=rtpmap:98 rtx/90000\r\n' +
    'a=setup:actpass\r\n' +
    'a=ssrc:3966762648 cname:{715c68a6-f071-4621-824f-ae08c2506f45}\r\n' +
    'a=ssrc:2539116250 cname:{715c68a6-f071-4621-824f-ae08c2506f45}\r\n' +
    'a=ssrc-group:FID 3966762648 2539116250\r\n' +
    'm=audio 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 109 9 0 8 101\r\n' +
    'c=IN IP4\r\n' +
    'a=sendrecv\r\n' +
    'a=extmap:1 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:ssrc-audio-level\r\n' +
    'a=extmap:2/recvonly urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:csrc-audio-level\r\n' +
    'a=extmap:3 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:mid\r\n' +
    'a=fmtp:109 maxplaybackrate=48000;stereo=1;useinbandfec=1\r\n' +
    'a=fmtp:101 0-15\r\n' +
    'a=ice-pwd:98366d4755bd40626dd2058a419dc7f3\r\n' +
    'a=ice-ufrag:62a88dad\r\n' +
    'a=mid:1\r\n' +
    'a=msid:{bb4bf9c2-a243-487a-932a-2aa80cfe0e74} {e7797176-fb97-4fd6-88c4-a225722cb0f7}\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-mux\r\n' +
    'a=rtpmap:109 opus/48000/2\r\n' +
    'a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000/1\r\n' +
    'a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n' +
    'a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000\r\n' +
    'a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000/1\r\n' +
    'a=setup:actpass\r\n' +
    'a=ssrc:1554237995 cname:{715c68a6-f071-4621-824f-ae08c2506f45}\r\n' +
    'm=application 9 UDP/DTLS/SCTP webrtc-datachannel\r\n' +
    'c=IN IP4\r\n' +
    'a=sendrecv\r\n' +
    'a=ice-pwd:98366d4755bd40626dd2058a419dc7f3\r\n' +
    'a=ice-ufrag:62a88dad\r\n' +
    'a=mid:2\r\n' +
    'a=setup:actpass\r\n' +
    'a=sctp-port:5000\r\n' +
sending WebRTC message to any other clients in the room named "r1".
Client sent WebRTC message:  {
  type: 'candidate',
  label: 0,
  id: '0',
  candidate: 'candidate:0 1 UDP 2122252543 35674 typ host'
sending WebRTC message to any other clients in the room named "r1".
Client sent WebRTC message:  {
  type: 'candidate',
  label: 0,
  id: '0',
  candidate: 'candidate:2 1 TCP 2105524479 9 typ host tcptype active'
sending WebRTC message to any other clients in the room named "r1".
Client sent WebRTC message:  {
  type: 'candidate',
  label: 0,
  id: '0',
  candidate: 'candidate:0 2 UDP 2122252542 48266 typ host'
sending WebRTC message to any other clients in the room named "r1".
Client sent WebRTC message:  {
  type: 'candidate',
  label: 0,
  id: '0',
  candidate: 'candidate:2 2 TCP 2105524478 9 typ host tcptype active'
sending WebRTC message to any other clients in the room named "r1".
Client sent WebRTC message:  {
  type: 'candidate',
  label: 1,
  id: '1',
  candidate: 'candidate:0 1 UDP 2122252543 50771 typ host'
sending WebRTC message to any other clients in the room named "r1".
Client sent WebRTC message:  {
  type: 'candidate',
  label: 1,
  id: '1',
  candidate: 'candidate:2 1 TCP 2105524479 9 typ host tcptype active'
sending WebRTC message to any other clients in the room named "r1".
Client sent WebRTC message:  {
  type: 'candidate',
  label: 1,
  id: '1',
  candidate: 'candidate:0 2 UDP 2122252542 40157 typ host'
sending WebRTC message to any other clients in the room named "r1".
Client sent WebRTC message:  {
  type: 'candidate',
  label: 1,
  id: '1',
  candidate: 'candidate:2 2 TCP 2105524478 9 typ host tcptype active'
sending WebRTC message to any other clients in the room named "r1".
Client sent WebRTC message:  {
  type: 'candidate',
  label: 2,
  id: '2',
  candidate: 'candidate:0 1 UDP 2122252543 60106 typ host'
sending WebRTC message to any other clients in the room named "r1".
Client sent WebRTC message:  {
  type: 'candidate',
  label: 2,
  id: '2',
  candidate: 'candidate:2 1 TCP 2105524479 9 typ host tcptype active'
sending WebRTC message to any other clients in the room named "r1".
Client sent WebRTC message:  {
  type: 'candidate',
  label: 0,
  id: '0',
  candidate: 'candidate:1 1 UDP 1686052863 35674 typ srflx raddr rport 35674'
sending WebRTC message to any other clients in the room named "r1".
Client sent WebRTC message:  {
  type: 'answer',
  sdp: 'v=0\r\n' +
    'o=- 8983557736126750795 2 IN IP4\r\n' +
    's=-\r\n' +
    't=0 0\r\n' +
    'a=group:BUNDLE 0 1 2\r\n' +
    'a=msid-semantic: WMS\r\n' +
    'm=video 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 120 124 121 125 126 127 97 98\r\n' +
    'c=IN IP4\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp:9 IN IP4\r\n' +
    'a=ice-ufrag:kByk\r\n' +
    'a=ice-pwd:UPtELS9/OScMlXzRfn1db+nt\r\n' +
    'a=ice-options:trickle\r\n' +
    'a=fingerprint:sha-256 67:3D:C8:EC:9A:50:0E:C5:97:1E:F4:8A:AF:84:77:29:D1:F1:CE:0F:E9:F1:30:B6:64:AE:BF:40:9B:F3:22:D6\r\n' +
    'a=setup:active\r\n' +
    'a=mid:0\r\n' +
    'a=extmap:5 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:toffset\r\n' +
    'a=extmap:4\r\n' +
    'a=extmap:7\r\n' +
    'a=extmap:6\r\n' +
    'a=extmap:3 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:mid\r\n' +
    'a=recvonly\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-mux\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-rsize\r\n' +
    'a=rtpmap:120 VP8/90000\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:120 goog-remb\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:120 transport-cc\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:120 ccm fir\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:120 nack\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:120 nack pli\r\n' +
    'a=rtpmap:124 rtx/90000\r\n' +
    'a=fmtp:124 apt=120\r\n' +
    'a=rtpmap:121 VP9/90000\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:121 goog-remb\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:121 transport-cc\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:121 ccm fir\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:121 nack\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:121 nack pli\r\n' +
    'a=fmtp:121 profile-id=0\r\n' +
    'a=rtpmap:125 rtx/90000\r\n' +
    'a=fmtp:125 apt=121\r\n' +
    'a=rtpmap:126 H264/90000\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:126 goog-remb\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:126 transport-cc\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:126 ccm fir\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:126 nack\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:126 nack pli\r\n' +
    'a=fmtp:126 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=42e01f\r\n' +
    'a=rtpmap:127 rtx/90000\r\n' +
    'a=fmtp:127 apt=126\r\n' +
    'a=rtpmap:97 H264/90000\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:97 goog-remb\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:97 transport-cc\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:97 ccm fir\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:97 nack\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-fb:97 nack pli\r\n' +
    'a=fmtp:97 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=0;profile-level-id=42e01f\r\n' +
    'a=rtpmap:98 rtx/90000\r\n' +
    'a=fmtp:98 apt=97\r\n' +
    'm=audio 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 109 9 0 8 101\r\n' +
    'c=IN IP4\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp:9 IN IP4\r\n' +
    'a=ice-ufrag:kByk\r\n' +
    'a=ice-pwd:UPtELS9/OScMlXzRfn1db+nt\r\n' +
    'a=ice-options:trickle\r\n' +
    'a=fingerprint:sha-256 67:3D:C8:EC:9A:50:0E:C5:97:1E:F4:8A:AF:84:77:29:D1:F1:CE:0F:E9:F1:30:B6:64:AE:BF:40:9B:F3:22:D6\r\n' +
    'a=setup:active\r\n' +
    'a=mid:1\r\n' +
    'a=extmap:1 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:ssrc-audio-level\r\n' +
    'a=extmap:3 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:mid\r\n' +
    'a=recvonly\r\n' +
    'a=rtcp-mux\r\n' +
    'a=rtpmap:109 opus/48000/2\r\n' +
    'a=fmtp:109 minptime=10;useinbandfec=1\r\n' +
    'a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000\r\n' +
    'a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n' +
    'a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000\r\n' +
    'a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000\r\n' +
    'm=application 9 UDP/DTLS/SCTP webrtc-datachannel\r\n' +
    'c=IN IP4\r\n' +
    'a=ice-ufrag:kByk\r\n' +
    'a=ice-pwd:UPtELS9/OScMlXzRfn1db+nt\r\n' +
    'a=ice-options:trickle\r\n' +
    'a=fingerprint:sha-256 67:3D:C8:EC:9A:50:0E:C5:97:1E:F4:8A:AF:84:77:29:D1:F1:CE:0F:E9:F1:30:B6:64:AE:BF:40:9B:F3:22:D6\r\n' +
    'a=setup:active\r\n' +
    'a=mid:2\r\n' +
    'a=sctp-port:5000\r\n' +
sending WebRTC message to any other clients in the room named "r1".
Client sent WebRTC message:  {
  type: 'candidate',
  label: 0,
  id: '0',
  candidate: 'candidate:1 2 UDP 1686052862 48266 typ srflx raddr rport 48266'
sending WebRTC message to any other clients in the room named "r1".
Client sent WebRTC message:  { type: 'candidate', label: 0, id: '0', candidate: '' }
sending WebRTC message to any other clients in the room named "r1".
Client sent WebRTC message:  {
  type: 'candidate',
  label: 0,
  id: '0',
  candidate: 'candidate:2805307201 1 udp 2113937151 c3daf76d-b8fe-4d9f-b041-0b60ac062fcd.local 38138 typ host generation 0 ufrag kByk network-cost 999'

More info:

hello-robot@stretch-re1-1082:~$ roslaunch stretch_web_interface web_interface.launch
... logging to /home/hello-robot/.ros/log/3ba58b02-e5ea-11ec-b2b8-548d5a64a72b/roslaunch-stretch-re1-1082-22986.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://stretch-re1-1082:41639/


 * /camera/realsense2_camera/accel_fps: 63
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/accel_frame_id: camera_accel_frame
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/accel_optical_frame_id: camera_accel_opti...
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/align_depth: True
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/aligned_depth_to_color_frame_id: camera_aligned_de...
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/aligned_depth_to_fisheye1_frame_id: camera_aligned_de...
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/aligned_depth_to_fisheye2_frame_id: camera_aligned_de...
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/aligned_depth_to_fisheye_frame_id: camera_aligned_de...
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/aligned_depth_to_infra1_frame_id: camera_aligned_de...
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/aligned_depth_to_infra2_frame_id: camera_aligned_de...
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/allow_no_texture_points: True
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/base_frame_id: camera_link
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/calib_odom_file: 
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/clip_distance: -2.0
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/color_fps: 15
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/color_frame_id: camera_color_frame
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/color_height: 720
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/color_optical_frame_id: camera_color_opti...
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/color_width: 1280
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/confidence_fps: -1
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/confidence_height: -1
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/confidence_width: -1
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/depth_fps: 15
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/depth_frame_id: camera_depth_frame
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/depth_height: 720
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/depth_optical_frame_id: camera_depth_opti...
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/depth_width: 1280
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/device_type: 
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_accel: True
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_color: True
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_confidence: True
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_depth: True
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_fisheye1: False
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_fisheye2: False
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_fisheye: False
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_gyro: False
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_infra1: False
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_infra2: False
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_infra: False
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_pointcloud: False
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_pose: False
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_sync: True
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/filters: pointcloud
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/fisheye1_frame_id: camera_fisheye1_f...
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/fisheye1_optical_frame_id: camera_fisheye1_o...
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/fisheye2_frame_id: camera_fisheye2_f...
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/fisheye2_optical_frame_id: camera_fisheye2_o...
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/fisheye_fps: -1
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/fisheye_frame_id: camera_fisheye_frame
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/fisheye_height: -1
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/fisheye_optical_frame_id: camera_fisheye_op...
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/fisheye_width: -1
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/gyro_fps: 200
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/gyro_frame_id: camera_gyro_frame
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/gyro_optical_frame_id: camera_gyro_optic...
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/imu_optical_frame_id: camera_imu_optica...
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/infra1_frame_id: camera_infra1_frame
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/infra1_optical_frame_id: camera_infra1_opt...
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/infra2_frame_id: camera_infra2_frame
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/infra2_optical_frame_id: camera_infra2_opt...
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/infra_fps: 30
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/infra_height: 480
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/infra_rgb: False
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/infra_width: 848
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/initial_reset: False
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/json_file_path: 
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/linear_accel_cov: 0.01
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/odom_frame_id: camera_odom_frame
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/ordered_pc: False
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/pointcloud_texture_index: 0
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/pointcloud_texture_stream: RS2_STREAM_COLOR
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/pose_frame_id: camera_pose_frame
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/pose_optical_frame_id: camera_pose_optic...
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/publish_odom_tf: True
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/publish_tf: True
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/reconnect_timeout: 6.0
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/rosbag_filename: 
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/serial_no: 
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/stereo_module/exposure/1: 7500
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/stereo_module/exposure/2: 1
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/stereo_module/gain/1: 16
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/stereo_module/gain/2: 16
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/tf_publish_rate: 0.0
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/topic_odom_in: odom_in
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/unite_imu_method: 
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/usb_port_id: 
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/wait_for_device_timeout: -1.0
 * /joint_state_publisher/rate: 15.0
 * /joint_state_publisher/source_list: ['/stretch/joint_...
 * /robot_description: <?xml version="1....
 * /robot_state_publisher/publish_frequency: 15.0
 * /rosapi/params_glob: [*]
 * /rosapi/services_glob: [*]
 * /rosapi/topics_glob: [*]
 * /rosbridge_websocket/address:
 * /rosbridge_websocket/authenticate: False
 * /rosbridge_websocket/bson_only_mode: False
 * /rosbridge_websocket/delay_between_messages: 0
 * /rosbridge_websocket/fragment_timeout: 600
 * /rosbridge_websocket/max_message_size: None
 * /rosbridge_websocket/params_glob: [*]
 * /rosbridge_websocket/port: 9090
 * /rosbridge_websocket/retry_startup_delay: 5
 * /rosbridge_websocket/services_glob: [*]
 * /rosbridge_websocket/topics_glob: [*]
 * /rosbridge_websocket/unregister_timeout: 10
 * /rosbridge_websocket/use_compression: False
 * /rosbridge_websocket/websocket_external_port: None
 * /rosbridge_websocket/websocket_ping_interval: 0
 * /rosbridge_websocket/websocket_ping_timeout: 30
 * /rosdistro: melodic
 * /rosversion: 1.14.13
 * /stretch_driver/broadcast_odom_tf: False
 * /stretch_driver/controller_calibration_file: /home/hello-robot...
 * /stretch_driver/rate: 25.0
 * /stretch_driver/timeout: 0.5

    d435i_accel_correction (stretch_core/d435i_accel_correction)
    joint_state_publisher (joint_state_publisher/joint_state_publisher)
    robot_state_publisher (robot_state_publisher/robot_state_publisher)
    rosapi (rosapi/rosapi_node)
    rosbridge_websocket (rosbridge_server/rosbridge_websocket)
    stretch_driver (stretch_core/stretch_driver)
    realsense2_camera (nodelet/nodelet)
    realsense2_camera_manager (nodelet/nodelet)

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [23003]

setting /run_id to 3ba58b02-e5ea-11ec-b2b8-548d5a64a72b
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [23023]
started core service [/rosout]
process[d435i_accel_correction-2]: started with pid [23040]
process[camera/realsense2_camera_manager-3]: started with pid [23041]
process[camera/realsense2_camera-4]: started with pid [23042]
process[joint_state_publisher-5]: started with pid [23043]
process[robot_state_publisher-6]: started with pid [23044]
process[stretch_driver-7]: started with pid [23058]
process[rosbridge_websocket-8]: started with pid [23060]
[ WARN] [1654555473.528428852]: The root link base_link has an inertia specified in the URDF, but KDL does not support a root link with an inertia.  As a workaround, you can add an extra dummy link to your URDF.
process[rosapi-9]: started with pid [23073]
[ INFO] [1654555473.539129229]: Initializing nodelet with 8 worker threads.
[ INFO] [1654555473.779419369]: RealSense ROS v2.3.2
[ INFO] [1654555473.779486045]: Built with LibRealSense v2.50.0
[ INFO] [1654555473.779526236]: Running with LibRealSense v2.50.0
[ INFO] [1654555473.840539975]:  
2022-06-06 15:44:34-0700 [-] Log opened.
[INFO] [1654555474.093480]: /d435i_accel_correction started
2022-06-06 15:44:34-0700 [-] registered capabilities (classes):
2022-06-06 15:44:34-0700 [-]  - rosbridge_library.capabilities.call_service.CallService
2022-06-06 15:44:34-0700 [-]  - rosbridge_library.capabilities.advertise.Advertise
2022-06-06 15:44:34-0700 [-]  - rosbridge_library.capabilities.publish.Publish
2022-06-06 15:44:34-0700 [-]  - rosbridge_library.capabilities.subscribe.Subscribe
2022-06-06 15:44:34-0700 [-]  - <class 'rosbridge_library.capabilities.defragmentation.Defragment'>
2022-06-06 15:44:34-0700 [-]  - rosbridge_library.capabilities.advertise_service.AdvertiseService
2022-06-06 15:44:34-0700 [-]  - rosbridge_library.capabilities.service_response.ServiceResponse
2022-06-06 15:44:34-0700 [-]  - rosbridge_library.capabilities.unadvertise_service.UnadvertiseService
[INFO] [1654555474.124703]: Rosapi started
[ INFO] [1654555474.214247885]: Device with serial number 134222070385 was found.

[ INFO] [1654555474.214294594]: Device with physical ID 2-2-2 was found.
[ INFO] [1654555474.214310726]: Device with name Intel RealSense D435I was found.
[ INFO] [1654555474.214971946]: Device with port number 2-2 was found.
[ INFO] [1654555474.215008076]: Device USB type: 3.2
[ INFO] [1654555474.216925466]: getParameters...
2022-06-06 15:44:34-0700 [-] WebSocketServerFactory starting on 9090
2022-06-06 15:44:34-0700 [-] Starting factory <autobahn.twisted.websocket.WebSocketServerFactory object at 0x7f13693f9cd0>
2022-06-06 15:44:34-0700 [-] [INFO] [1654555474.278321]: Rosbridge WebSocket server started at ws://
[ INFO] [1654555474.288324170]: setupDevice...
[ INFO] [1654555474.288350178]: JSON file is not provided
[ INFO] [1654555474.288370377]: ROS Node Namespace: camera
[ INFO] [1654555474.288387377]: Device Name: Intel RealSense D435I
[ INFO] [1654555474.288402465]: Device Serial No: 134222070385
[ INFO] [1654555474.288420429]: Device physical port: 2-2-2
[ INFO] [1654555474.288439343]: Device FW version:
[ INFO] [1654555474.288456911]: Device Product ID: 0x0B3A
[ INFO] [1654555474.288475706]: Enable PointCloud: On
[ INFO] [1654555474.288493412]: Align Depth: On
[ INFO] [1654555474.288504534]: Sync Mode: On
[ INFO] [1654555474.288555751]: Device Sensors: 
[ INFO] [1654555474.392853062]: Stereo Module was found.
[INFO] [rospy.topics]: topicmanager initialized
[ INFO] [1654555474.408597275]: RGB Camera was found.
[ INFO] [1654555474.408785391]: Motion Module was found.
[ INFO] [1654555474.408855140]: (Confidence, 0) sensor isn't supported by current device! -- Skipping...
[ INFO] [1654555474.409145256]: Add Filter: pointcloud
[ INFO] [1654555474.409601800]: num_filters: 2
[ INFO] [1654555474.409625018]: Setting Dynamic reconfig parameters.
[INFO] [1654555474.893340]: For use with S T R E T C H (TM) RESEARCH EDITION from Hello Robot Inc.
[INFO] [1654555474.898678]: /stretch_driver started
[INFO] [1654555476.950320]: mode = position
[INFO] [1654555476.951899]: /stretch_driver: Changed to mode = position
[INFO] [1654555476.955726]: broadcast_odom_tf = False
[INFO] [1654555476.958328]: Loading controller calibration parameters for the head from YAML file named /home/hello-robot/catkin_ws/src/stretch_ros/stretch_core/config/controller_calibration_head.yaml
[INFO] [1654555476.962832]: controller parameters loaded = {'tilt_looking_up_offset': -0.011253207064152226, 'arm_retracted_offset': 0.0034847093058582215, 'tilt_angle_backlash_transition': -0.4, 'tilt_angle_offset': -0.005489660708966708, 'pan_angle_offset': 0.011668106504201472, 'pan_looked_left_offset': -0.006401607285170815}
[INFO] [1654555476.964749]: self.head_tilt_calibrated_offset_rad in degrees = -0.314534389583
[INFO] [1654555476.966810]: self.head_pan_calibrated_offset_rad in degrees = 0.6685332576
[INFO] [1654555476.968364]: self.head_pan_calibrated_looked_left_offset_rad in degrees = -0.36678507954
[INFO] [1654555476.970114]: self.head_tilt_backlash_transition_angle_rad in degrees = -22.9183118052
[INFO] [1654555476.972454]: self.head_tilt_calibrated_looking_up_offset_rad in degrees = -0.644761270763
[INFO] [1654555476.974663]: self.wrist_extension_calibrated_retracted_offset_m in meters = 0.00348470930586
[INFO] [1654555476.991814]: /stretch_driver rate = 25.0 Hz
[INFO] [1654555476.995853]: /stretch_driver timeout = 0.5 s
[INFO] [1654555477.001608]: /stretch_driver use_fake_mechaduinos = False
[INFO] [1654555477.005371]: /stretch_driver base_frame_id = base_link
[INFO] [1654555477.007443]: /stretch_driver odom_frame_id = odom
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/hello-robot/catkin_ws/src/stretch_ros/stretch_core/nodes/stretch_driver", line 512, in <module>
  File "/home/hello-robot/catkin_ws/src/stretch_ros/stretch_core/nodes/stretch_driver", line 472, in main
    self.joint_trajectory_action = JointTrajectoryAction(self)
  File "/home/hello-robot/catkin_ws/src/stretch_ros/stretch_core/nodes/", line 70, in __init__
    endofarm_device = getattr(importlib.import_module(module_name), class_name)(None, self.node.robot)
  File "/home/hello-robot/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/stretch_tool_share/stretch_dex_wrist/", line 6, in __init__
    SimpleCommandGroup.__init__(self, 'joint_wrist_pitch', range_rad, node=node)
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'node'
[ INFO] [1654555477.025780346]: Done Setting Dynamic reconfig parameters.
[ INFO] [1654555477.026744230]: depth stream is enabled - width: 1280, height: 720, fps: 15, Format: Z16
[ INFO] [1654555477.027936756]: color stream is enabled - width: 1280, height: 720, fps: 15, Format: RGB8
[ WARN] [1654555477.031001239]: No mathcing profile found for accel with fps=63
[ WARN] [1654555477.031035343]: Using default profile instead.
[ INFO] [1654555477.031051608]: accel stream is enabled - fps: 100
[ INFO] [1654555477.031078241]: setupPublishers...
[ INFO] [1654555477.034432251]: Expected frequency for depth = 15.00000
[ INFO] [1654555477.068582485]: Expected frequency for color = 15.00000
[ INFO] [1654555477.095851154]: Expected frequency for aligned_depth_to_color = 15.00000
[ INFO] [1654555477.124702854]: setupStreams...
[ WARN] [1654555479.339631283]: 
[ WARN] [1654555479.339707360]: frame's time domain is HARDWARE_CLOCK. Timestamps may reset periodically.
[ INFO] [1654555479.510447457]: SELECTED BASE:Depth, 0
[ INFO] [1654555479.520805368]: RealSense Node Is Up!
[ WARN] [1654555481.337398555]: Hardware Notification:Depth stream start failure,1.65456e+12,Error,Hardware Error
2022-06-06 15:52:32-0700 [-] [INFO] [1654555952.527517]: Client connected.  1 clients total.
2022-06-06 15:52:32-0700 [-] [INFO] [1654555952.994372]: [Client 0] Subscribed to /camera/color/image_raw/compressed
2022-06-06 15:52:33-0700 [-] [INFO] [1654555953.001308]: [Client 0] Subscribed to /stretch/joint_states/
2022-06-06 15:52:33-0700 [-] [INFO] [1654555953.118697]: [Client 0] Subscribed to /stretch_controller/follow_joint_trajectory/status
2022-06-06 15:52:33-0700 [-] [INFO] [1654555953.124180]: [Client 0] Subscribed to /stretch_controller/follow_joint_trajectory/feedback
2022-06-06 15:52:33-0700 [-] [INFO] [1654555953.129568]: [Client 0] Subscribed to /stretch_controller/follow_joint_trajectory/result

Hi @Bread_wq, welcome to the forum! Looking through the logs you’ve included (thank you!), the following warning suggests that MongoDB was not set up correctly.

Failed to stop mongod.service: Unit mongod.service not loaded.

According the Stretch Web Interface’s README, it should have been installed when the set up script,, was run. Can you run this script and try again?

Hi @bshah, I tried running the set up script again, but the problem persists, it still says

Failed to stop mongod.service: Unit mongod.service not loaded.

Seems like something must be failing to install correctly when running the set up script. Can you capture the output from running the set up script and post it here?

Additionally, instead of running, use to start the web server, as described in the README.

Hi @bshah, it seems like I can control the robot when I log in as o1 using the robot’s computer, but it does not work if I log in as o1 from my own computer. My computer and the robot’s computer are connected to the same network and I tried to turn off the firewall on my computer as well.
Also, when I control the robot via the interface, it seems like I have to spam clicking the interface to make the robot move. Keeping the mouse pressed does not keep the robot moving continuously. Is it designed to be this way? Thanks so much!

Generally, any computer on the same network as the robot should be able to access the operator’s interface by going to the robot’s LAN IP address in the browser. This might not work on university/company networks or if firewalls are involved. Could you provide more information on what isn’t working when you attempt to control the robot from another computer on the same network. Are you able to access the operator log in page from another computer?

Regarding the second question, the interface is designed to move the robot’s joints in fixed increments for each button press. Holding a button down won’t move the robot continuously.

When I attempt to control the robot from another computer on the same network, I am able to log in as the operator and see the video feed from the robot. I can also see the controlling buttons and what they are supposed to do when I hover my mouse on top of the interface. It’s just I am not able to command the robot to move when I click the buttons.
Thanks for answering my second question!

Apologies for the delayed reply @Bread_wq. Sounds like commands aren’t being relayed from your operator panel to the robot when logged in from another computer on the network. I’ve got two suggestions for how to get this working for you. First, I recommend trying out the Human-Centered Robotics Lab’s fork of the Stretch Web Interface a try. They’ve done a lot of work on the web interface since the original web interface was published. Additionally, they have support for the continuous joint movement when keeping a button pressed behavior you’ve asked about. Take a look at their repo’s readme for installation instructions. Second, we can jump on a quick support call to debug why the commands aren’t getting relayed over and figure out a solution. Please send an email to and we can set this up.

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