Hi @roboor, based on the [lidar_node-7] process has died
error, it looks like the lidar isn’t streaming data in ROS. Would you run the following four commands to verify that the lidar is able to stream data via the Python API?
$ stretch_rp_lidar_jog.py --reset
For use with S T R E T C H (R) RESEARCH EDITION from Hello Robot Inc.
[INFO] [rplidar]: Reseting the sensor
[INFO] [rplidar]: Stoping motor
$ stretch_rp_lidar_jog.py --motor_on
For use with S T R E T C H (R) RESEARCH EDITION from Hello Robot Inc.
[INFO] [rplidar]: Starting motor
$ stretch_rp_lidar_jog.py --health
For use with S T R E T C H (R) RESEARCH EDITION from Hello Robot Inc.
[INFO] [rplidar]: Asking for health
('Good', 0)
[INFO] [rplidar]: Stoping motor
$ stretch_rp_lidar_jog.py --range
For use with S T R E T C H (R) RESEARCH EDITION from Hello Robot Inc.
[INFO] [rplidar]: Starting motor
[INFO] [rplidar]: Asking for health
[INFO] [rplidar]: starting scan process in normal mode
0: Got 76 measurments
Scan [(11, 157.671875, 1114.5), (15, 162.125, 1103.25), (15, 170.171875, 231.5), (15, 167.53125, 1511.25), (15, 168.953125, 1514.0), (15, 184.984375, 1553.75), (15, 186.453125, 1574.0), (15, 187.875, 1584.5), (15, 193.015625, 847.0), (15, 202.515625, 621.5), (15, 209.8125, 607.0), (15, 211.328125, 619.75), (15, 212.6875, 634.75), (15, 215.515625, 667.25), (15, 216.953125, 662.25), (15, 218.46875, 646.25), (15, 219.9375, 631.0), (15, 221.484375, 617.25), (15, 223.015625, 604.25), (15, 224.46875, 591.75), (15, 234.359375, 147.5), (15, 234.78125, 145.0), (15, 236.234375, 142.5), (15, 237.6875, 140.0), (15, 239.15625, 138.0), (15, 255.859375, 472.75), (15, 257.4375, 470.75), (15, 259.015625, 470.0), (15, 260.359375, 469.25), (15, 261.875, 469.0), (15, 263.296875, 469.25), (15, 264.765625, 469.5), (15, 266.109375, 470.0), (15, 267.6875, 470.75), (15, 269.25, 472.25), (15, 270.453125, 473.75), (15, 271.9375, 475.5), (15, 273.359375, 478.0), (15, 275.0, 480.5), (15, 276.515625, 483.25), (15, 277.765625, 486.75), (15, 279.3125, 490.5), (15, 280.59375, 494.25), (15, 282.203125, 499.0), (15, 283.34375, 503.5), (15, 285.0, 508.25), (15, 286.28125, 513.75), (15, 287.859375, 519.5), (15, 289.21875, 526.25), (15, 290.765625, 532.75), (15, 291.921875, 540.0), (15, 293.515625, 548.25), (15, 295.0, 556.25), (15, 296.25, 566.0), (15, 297.71875, 576.0), (15, 299.140625, 586.0), (15, 300.484375, 597.0), (15, 302.046875, 609.5), (15, 303.328125, 622.25), (15, 304.875, 622.0), (15, 306.359375, 623.25), (15, 307.765625, 630.75), (15, 310.984375, 575.5), (15, 313.921875, 547.25), (15, 315.609375, 539.25), (15, 316.890625, 543.0), (15, 319.484375, 575.75), (15, 322.734375, 526.0), (15, 324.1875, 525.25), (15, 328.140625, 669.0), (15, 329.453125, 683.75), (15, 336.3125, 882.5), (15, 344.671875, 1223.75), (15, 346.125, 1219.0), (15, 347.53125, 1217.75), (15, 348.984375, 1218.0)]
[INFO] [rplidar]: Stoping motor
If you don’t see any measurements, let’s collect a dmesg log using REx_dmesg_monitor.py
. Run this CLI is a separate terminal before running the experiment. When the Lidar fails, return to this terminal to save the log.