ROS2 Humble Warning in System Check

Hi guys,

After running, I get this warning at the end of the checking. Is this ignorable? Everything works fine so far so I am not sure why this warning comes up.

---- Checking Software ----
[Pass] Ubuntu 22.04 is ready
[Pass] Firmware is up-to-date
         hello-pimu = v0.6.2p4
         hello-wacc = v0.5.1p3
         hello-motor-arm = v0.6.2p4
         hello-motor-lift = v0.6.2p4
         hello-motor-left-wheel = v0.6.2p4
         hello-motor-right-wheel = v0.6.2p4
[Pass] Python pkgs are up-to-date
         Stretch Body = 0.6.1
         Stretch Body Tools = 0.5.2
         Stretch Tool Share = 0.2.8
         Stretch Factory = 0.4.11
         Stretch Diagnostics = 0.0.14
[Warn] ROS Humble not supported

Hey @roboor, it was a bug in the system check tool. It’s fixed in the latest release and you can upgrade using:

pip3 install -U hello-robot-stretch-body
pip3 install -U hello-robot-stretch-body-tools
pip3 install -U hello-robot-stretch-tool-share
pip3 install -U hello-robot-stretch-factory
pip3 install -U hello-robot-stretch-diagnostics
pip3 install -U hello-robot-stretch-urdf
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