Running Stretch RE2 with adaptive controller

Hey everyone,

My name is Rafael Morales I am a Robotics master’s student at Oregon State University. I focus on HRI (human-robot interaction) and I am currently working with children who have a type of motor impairment. We are trying to use Stretch to see if they can benefit from using the robot (increasing their ADL and independence).

We are currently trying to implement an Xbox adaptive controller in order to facilitate the use of Stretch for the children, but since the original code used to control the Xbox controller does not work with the adaptive controller I made a modified version of that code running Pygame instead of input.

# Xbox adaptive controller code for Hello - Robot Stretch
# By: Rafael Morales
# This is a modified version of the original code for the Xbox controller
from __future__ import print_function
import pygame
import threading
import time


class Stick():
    def __init__(self):
        # joystick pushed
        #   all the way down: y = -1.0
        #   all the way up: y ~= 1.0
        #   all the way left: x = -1.0
        #   all the way right: x ~= 1.0
        self.x = 0.0
        self.y = 0.0
        # normalized signed 16 bit integers to be in the range [-1.0, 1.0]
        self.norm = float(pow(2, 15))

    def update_x(self, abs_x):
        self.x = abs_x

    def update_y(self, abs_y):
        self.y = -abs_y

    def print_string(self):
        return 'x: {0:4.2f}, y:{1:4.2f}'.format(x, y)


class Button():

    def __init__(self):
        self.pressed = False

    def update(self, state):
        if state == 1:
            self.pressed = True
        if state == 0:
            self.pressed = False

    def print_string(self):
        return str(self.pressed)

class Trigger():
    def __init__(self, xbox_one=False):
        # Xbox One trigger
        #   not pulled = 0
        #   max pulled = 1023
        # normalize unsigned 10 bit integer to be in the range [0.0, 1.0]

        # Xbox 360 trigger
        #   not pulled = 0
        #   max pulled = 255
        # normalize unsigned 8 bit integer to be in the range [0.0, 1.0]
        if xbox_one:
            # xbox one
            num_bits = 10
            # xbox 360
            num_bits = 8
        self.norm = float(pow(2, num_bits) - 1)
        self.pulled = 0.0

    def update(self, state):
        self.pulled = int(state)
        # Ensure that the pulled value is not greater than 1.0, which
        # will can happen with the use of an Xbox One controller, if
        # the option was not properly set.
        if self.pulled > 1.0:
            self.pulled = 1.0

    def print_string(self):
        return '{0:4.2f}'.format(self.pulled)


class XboxController():
    '''Successfully tested with the following controllers:
            + Xbox One Controller connected using a USB cable (change xbox_one parameter to True for full 10 bit trigger information)
            + EasySMX wireless controller set to appropriate mode (Xbox 360 mode with upper half of ring LED illuminated - top two LED quarter circle arcs)
            + JAMSWALL Xbox 360 Wireless Controller (Sometimes issues would occur after inactivity that would seem to require unplugging and replugging the USB dongle.)

       Unsuccessful tests:
            - Xbox One Controller connected via Bluetooth
            - Xbox 360 Controller connected with an Insten Wireless Controller USB Charging Cable
            +/- VOYEE Wired Xbox 360 Controller mostly worked, but it had various issues including false middle LED button presses, phantom shoulder button presses, and low joystick sensitivity that made small motions more difficult to execute.

    def __init__(self, print_events=False):
        self.print_events = print_events

        self.left_stick = Stick()
        self.right_stick = Stick()

        self.left_stick_button = Button()
        self.right_stick_button = Button()

        self.middle_led_ring_button = Button()

        self.bottom_button = Button()
        self.top_button = Button()
        self.left_button = Button()
        self.right_button = Button()

        self.right_shoulder_button = Button()
        self.left_shoulder_button = Button()

        self.select_button = Button()
        self.start_button = Button()

        self.left_trigger = Trigger(xbox_one=False)
        self.right_trigger = Trigger(xbox_one=False)

        self.left_pad = Button()
        self.right_pad = Button()
        self.top_pad = Button()
        self.bottom_pad = Button()

        self.lock = threading.Lock()
        self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.update)
        self.thread.daemon = True

    def start(self):

    def stop(self):

    def update(self):
        while True:
            clock = pygame.time.Clock()
            joysticks = [pygame.joystick.Joystick(i) for i in range(pygame.joystick.get_count())]
            events = pygame.event.get()
            with self.lock:
                for event in events:
                    # -------------------------Button-----------------------------------------------------------------

                    "Detect button button"
                    if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN:
                        if event.button == 0:
                    if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONUP:
                        if event.button == 0:

                    "Detect right button"
                    if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN:
                        if event.button == 1:
                    if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONUP:
                        if event.button == 1:

                    "Detect left button"
                    if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN:
                        if event.button == 2:
                    if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONUP:
                        if event.button == 2:

                    "Detect top button"
                    if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN:
                        if event.button == 3:
                    if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONUP:
                        if event.button == 3:

                    "left shoulder button"
                    if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN:
                        if event.button == 4:
                    if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONUP:
                        if event.button == 4:

                    "right shoulder button"
                    if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN:
                        if event.button == 5:
                    if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONUP:
                        if event.button == 5:

                    "select button"
                    if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN:
                        if event.button == 6:
                    if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONUP:
                        if event.button == 6:

                    "Detect start button"
                    if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN:
                        if event.button == 7:
                    if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONUP:
                        if event.button == 7:

                    " Detect middle x-box button"
                    if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN:
                        if event.button == 8:
                    if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONUP:
                        if event.button == 8:
                    #   -------------------------Sticks---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    if event.type == pygame.JOYAXISMOTION:

                        " Left stick"
                        if event.axis == 0:
                            if event.value > 1:
                                event.value = 1
                            if event.value < -1:
                                event.value = -1
                        if event.axis == 1:
                            if event.value > 1:
                                event.value = 1
                            if event.value < -1:
                                event.value = -1

                        "right stick"
                        if event.axis == 3:
                            if event.value > 1:
                                event.value = 1
                            if event.value < -1:
                                event.value = -1
                        if event.axis == 4:
                            if event.value > 1:
                                event.value = 1
                            if event.value < -1:
                                event.value = -1

                        # ------------------------ Triggers---------------------------------------------------------------------------

                        "left trigger"
                        if event.axis == 2 and event.value > 0:

                        "right trigger"
                        if event.axis == 5 and event.value > 0:

                    if event.type == pygame.JOYHATMOTION:
                        # ----------------------------Left - right pad -------------------------------------------------------
                        if event.value == (0, 0):
                        if event.value == (-1, 0):
                        if event.value == (1, 0):
                        # ---------------------------Up - down pad ------------------------------------------------------------
                        if event.value == (0, 0):
                        if event.value == (0, -1):
                        if event.value == (0, 1):


    def get_state(self):
        with self.lock:
            state = {'middle_led_ring_button_pressed': self.middle_led_ring_button.pressed,
                     'left_stick_x': self.left_stick.x,
                     'left_stick_y': self.left_stick.y,
                     'right_stick_x': self.right_stick.x,
                     'right_stick_y': self.right_stick.y,
                     'left_stick_button_pressed': self.left_stick_button.pressed,
                     'right_stick_button_pressed': self.right_stick_button.pressed,
                     'bottom_button_pressed': self.bottom_button.pressed,
                     'top_button_pressed': self.top_button.pressed,
                     'left_button_pressed': self.left_button.pressed,
                     'right_button_pressed': self.right_button.pressed,
                     'left_shoulder_button_pressed': self.left_shoulder_button.pressed,
                     'right_shoulder_button_pressed': self.right_shoulder_button.pressed,
                     'select_button_pressed': self.select_button.pressed,
                     'start_button_pressed': self.start_button.pressed,
                     'left_trigger_pulled': self.left_trigger.pulled,
                     'right_trigger_pulled': self.right_trigger.pulled,
                     'bottom_pad_pressed': self.bottom_pad.pressed,
                     'top_pad_pressed': self.top_pad.pressed,
                     'left_pad_pressed': self.left_pad.pressed,
                     'right_pad_pressed': self.right_pad.pressed}
        return state

# see what you coded
def main():
    xbox_controller = XboxController(print_events=True)
        while True:
            state = xbox_controller.get_state()
            print('XBOX CONTROLLER STATE')
            for k in state.keys():
                print(k, ' : ', state[k])
    except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):

if __name__ == "__main__":


Hi @Rafael_MM, this is really cool! Thanks for posting this! Do you have any pictures of what the controller’s setup looks like? It’s my understanding that a bare bones Adaptive Controller only has a D-pad and A/B buttons, so additional switches, buttons, joysticks, etc. must be plugged into the controller.

Also, I believe @vynguyen91 mentioned that she was interested in getting her Adaptive Controller working with Stretch, so your code may be useful to her!

Yeah, I will post a picture soon.
Basically we are using the Logitech gaming kid since it includes more than enough buttons.
For the joy sticks we are using Ultimarc UltraStik 360, these are simple arcade sticks that are connected via USB. They sell some already made Accessible Gaming Shop - Ultra-Stik -
Or you could get the guts of the joystick and 3D print the housing your self
which is much cheaper (if you have a 3D printer).
Basically the left side USB in the adaptive controller controls the base movement and the right USB controls the arm movement.

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Got it, thanks for the links! And thanks in advance for taking the picture.

Greetings Rafael!

I was elated to learn from Binit about your incredible implementation of using the Xbox adaptive controller for children. I also have an Xbox controller, but we were having difficulty getting it working on Stretch as well. Thank you for sharing your code with the community! I plan on testing your code with my controller and will let you know how that goes.

Also, how is your project going? Is there a place I could learn more? As an occupational therapist, I am interested in all things related to ADL and promoting independence.

Keep up with the impactful work,


P.S. I am also based in Oregon (Hillsboro/Portland area)!

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Hey V,

I hope the code ended up working with your controller.
My project is going well, we are currently in the trial phase so there isn’t much information yet. Once I do have more information I wouldn’t mind sharing it.

If you would like to learn more you could always contact me, I would love to share what the project is aiming for and what we are currently doing.

best regards,

Rafael Morales

Here are the long-awaited pictures.
the setup is fairly simple, we use 1 stick for the base and 1 for arm movement. We then attach buttons for the movement of the wrist, finally, we set up some special buttons (buttons not connected in the picture) in order to get Stretch to perform certain tasks that are difficult for the user such as quickly turning around (turn 180 degrees by pressing 1 button)

everything is connected using an Xbox One controller dongle.

Currently we are working on implementing Telepresence with joystick movement


Wow this is really cool!

For those who are having difficulty connecting the dongle you need to

  1. install Xone in order for stretch to detect the xbox dongle
  2. install cabextract for the Microsft pass-through
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@Rafael_MM, thanks for that tip. Did you look into connecting the adaptive controller over bluetooth to Linux? I was wondering if it would be easier than buying a dongle and installing xone.

In the internal code that was present there is this message.

    '''Successfully tested with the following controllers:
            + Xbox One Controller connected using a USB cable (change xbox_one parameter to True for full 10 bit trigger information)
            + EasySMX wireless controller set to appropriate mode (Xbox 360 mode with upper half of ring LED illuminated - top two LED quarter circle arcs)
            + JAMSWALL Xbox 360 Wireless Controller (Sometimes issues would occur after inactivity that would seem to require unplugging and replugging the USB dongle.)

       Unsuccessful tests:
            - **Xbox One Controller connected via Bluetooth**
            - Xbox 360 Controller connected with an Insten Wireless Controller USB Charging Cable
            +/- VOYEE Wired Xbox 360 Controller mostly worked, but it had various issues including false middle LED button presses, phantom shoulder button presses, and low joystick sensitivity that made small motions more difficult to execute.

I tried running Bluetooth with both the original code as well as mine (which runs pygames instead of input) and wasn’t able to get it working.

I did made a input test using pygames and the controller does seem to be connected and working. There might be an internal thing in Stretch that specifically looks for a USB connection?

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Gotcha, thanks Rafael. Sounds like the dongle approach is better than trying to get Bluetooth to work.